"How to be a good person that people admire"

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3 years ago



Part 1 Self-employment

Part 2 Interacting with others

If you want to be a better person, you must start by correcting yourself. To act kindly and compassionately is a business that requires a lot of self-reflection and self-investment. If you want to admire, work for yourself and reach out to others with compassion and sincere charity.

Part 1 Self-employment

Recognize your individual good qualities. What makes you a good nothing? Designs vary from person to person about what makes a good person, but there are certain traits that most people will agree with. Build your own list of qualities you want to work on to become someone you admire.

You can determine to be good to have integrity, to be trustworthy and to be honest.

Some people find kindness in humility, kindness and kindness.

Being able to empathize with others and not judge them is another way to be good.

Be careful not to seek the approval of others. There is nothing wrong with fighting to be a good person. However, it is a bad idea to change just to be popular. You cannot be everything for everyone. Strive to be good, to be good and not to impress others.

If your goal of change is motivated by the opinion that you have of others, it will be easy for you to fail. You can find yourself meeting the expectations of others instead of doing what is right.

That being said, there is nothing wrong with wanting to serve as an example to others, especially children. If you are a parent, the values ​​you show will leave an impression on your children.

Be honest. Be sincere in saying what you really think and support your words in actions. People like people who are sincere because they do not pretend to be someone else and are sure that they really think what they are saying.

To work to be more honest, see if you live up to your values. For example, if you care about the environment, does it reflect your lifestyle? Activities such as recycling, carpooling, water conservation, etc. are ways to stay true to your belief in protecting the environment.

Accept all your personality. We all know our strengths and weaknesses. We must correct our mistakes and not seek reward in the first trial. To be good, you do not have to be perfect. People who are sincere are comfortable with the fact that they always have their challenges and strengths. They are also comfortable with the idea of ​​trying many times before succeeding.

Do not judge those around you. Sincere people tend not to compare others to themselves or to external standards. Very sincere people accept others for what they are. Try to avoid judging your loved ones, friends and colleagues.

Work on your self-esteem. Acknowledge the good things you do and celebrate your accomplishments. To be a good person that people admire, it is very important to be comfortable with yourself. People often admire people with reasonable self-confidence and find it easier to think of others when one is not concerned about one’s own shortcomings.

If you have the impression that you lack self-confidence, do activities that make you happy. For example, if you listen well to others, you can volunteer at a retirement home and spend time listening to people there. You can be optimistic about doing a good job that falls within your area of ​​expertise.

Be optimistic. When you face a challenge, you say, I can do it. When you do good, congratulate yourself.

It can be very difficult to improve your self-esteem, especially if you have a history of mental illness that affects your perception of yourself. If so, consider seeing a therapist or counselor to talk about your problems. You can find a therapist by asking your general practitioner to direct you or by searching online with your insurance company to see which doctors or independent counselors will accept your insurance. If you are a student, you may be eligible for free or discounted coverage in your higher education year.

Repress negative impulses. It is normal to have negative bases from time to time, but it is important to learn to control these negative emotions properly, otherwise your behavior will be negatively influenced. You can do this by practicing emotionally. regulation, which consists of expressing your feelings to manage them in a healthy way.

Emotional regulation is a gradual process. To begin, acknowledge that you have felt anger or other negative emotions. See how it shows and named it. Think about what caused this feeling. Take a moment to assess how you feel about this feeling and how you plan to handle it. Finally, choose an appropriate action to take.

Taking the time to manage your emotions in this way will give you the opportunity to exercise healthy, rather than have an enthusiastic reaction. For example, suppose your daughter returns after a curfew. Instead of shouting at him in anger, take the time to control your anger and consciously decide on a modus operandi, such as scheduling a moment to discuss it the next day.

Sometimes past trauma and violence create emotional patterns that can hinder the process of emotional regulation. You may be surprised to produce emotional outbursts that affect those around you. Try to calm yourself by interrupting, then work on internal productive dialogue by saying Okay, I just had a bad day. These are the things that happen from one moment to the next. Tomorrow will be better. It will also allow those around you to understand you when you tell them I had a bad day and I was a bit stressed and angry. Give me time to calm down and let's talk again when I feel better.

Forgiveness is an important quality to be a good person. Forgetting others and yourself about past mistakes can free you from feelings of discouragement, lack of confidence and anger that can affect your current behavior.

If you are having trouble forgiving and tend to get angry, seek the advice of a therapist on how to alleviate past grievances. Yoga, which teaches living in the present moment in a spiritual sense, can also help you learn to forgive.

Proper behavior that can harm others. Inventory of the person you are with now and be honest. Is there anything in your life that affects your relationship with others? How can you fix that?

Check your psychological state. It is difficult to be kind to others if you have difficulty taking care of yourself. If you have depression, anxiety, or any other psychiatric illness, seek help from a psychiatrist. Mental stability will help you become a better person for those around you.

Deal with any existing addiction. Addictions can be physical illness (smoking, alcoholism, narcotics) or emotional (video games, Internet). Whatever form they take, it can be very difficult to establish meaningful relationships and gain admiration and respect when you are having difficulty managing an addiction. There are many online self-examination tests you can go through to see if you have symptoms of addiction. If so, you should seek help from a therapist. There are also many support groups with centers in almost every region of the country that can help you cope with addiction.

Control your stress level. If you are a person with a high level of stress, you can affect those around you without knowing it. If you are worried about your own issues and problems, you may inadvertently neglect others or ignore their needs. Meditation, therapy, regular training, discussions with a therapist or counselor can help you manage your stress level.

Part 2 Interacting with others.

Be charismatic. Charisma is an important factor if you plan to be taken in by others. Work on improving your ability to talk, listen and tell stories to become a more charismatic and like person.

To have an attentive ear, practice active listening. Instead of thinking about what you will answer, really listen and be present when someone speaks. Encourage him by nodding and asking questions.

Try to hear from the world around you. People tend to admire knowledgeable and knowledgeable people. Read newspapers, magazines and online articles. Be aware of the news. You don’t really need to have strong political opinions, but it is important to have an idea of ​​current debates to stand as charismatic.

Use your body language to express confidence. Keep eye contact with others Stand up straight and shake your head and respond to what others have to say to express interest and understanding. During the conversation, ask questions about others. People are attracted to those who are truly interested in the people around them.

Practice telling good stories. People have wonderful people who can tell great stories. So try chatting with others with a funny personal anecdote. It helps to keep track of programs like The Knowledge Log or The Lunch Debate, to get an idea of ​​the narration.

Be honest and full of insurance. In other words, tell people how you really feel rather than subtract and hide your true thoughts. It is a way for others to convince you. Being direct and honest with those around you will make you a better and more admirable person.

Learn to be honest with others about your actions, even if you make mistakes. For example, if you do not meet a deadline for service, do not blame the lack of sleep, stress or other factors. Just dare to say I don't care and I mess up. I will work on more darts later.

Being honest even when someone is hurting is not easy, but there is a way to do it without causing pain. Frame your feedback in a constructive way. For example, if someone asks for your opinion on a new shirt that you do not find attractive, you might say, I do not like this shirt for you, but let me show you one where I want to see you better.

However, do not give unsolicited advice. It often has a sermonous connotation and people are usually not pleasant. When discussing sensitive topics such as weight, work, or love in someone’s situation, it is better to keep your opinions to yourself unless you ask them exactly.

Give to others. Being generous to your friends and family is a great way to be admired and be a better person. The small, cool gesture has a lasting effect.

If you are invited to a party, bring something to share. When you go for a snack or drink, it will show your host that you enjoyed the invitation. Even if you know the food will be served, there is no harm in bringing food.

When going out with friends, suggest paying for a tour or being assigned as a driver.

If a friend has a bad day, give him or her a small gift such as a homemade card or a pastry to try to help him or her.

Giving, however, should not be in the form of physical gifts. You can give people time. For example, spend an hour visiting a friend in the hospital or seeing a family member through a difficult rest. Sometimes just having someone else’s positive energy will help.

Return to your community. Finally, being a good person should not be limited to your immediate circle. Find ways to get back into your community.

Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community. Try to find a reason that you are enthusiastic and can contribute to. For example, if you love to read, volunteer to read to children or seniors in hospitals, retirement homes or daycars. If you love animals, find out if your local SPA needs volunteers.

Cash donations can also help, but you can put the package together with a fundraiser. Offer to call past donors for an organization you care about. Participate in fundraising activities such as charity dinners, auctions, marathons and other events.

You can also offer small scale assistance. Pay attention to your neighborhood. If you have an older neighbor, offer to research their leaves or clear their winter trip. If you have neighbors with small children, offer them occasionally to do free care. If someone around you has lost a family member, go home with some homework and pasta to reduce tension during the grief process.


Always be respectful of others. Even if you fail, try to talk to people calmly and politely.

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Written by
3 years ago
