What Would You Do To Start A Business When You Don't Have Funds?

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Avatar for rezoanulvibes
1 year ago

You want to start a business, but you cannot take the initiative to do that. There are many reasons behind this. Lack of financing is one of them. You just don't have the fund to start your business. In spite of having some good ideas, you cannot move forward and do something on your own.

If your parents are rich, they can get your back. Your family can support you financially. You can implement your idea and start a business. Having financial backup from your family will definitely help you. But what if your parents are not rich or you don't get support from your family financially?

Maybe you just completed your academic studies and you have a student loan to pay. It will make things difficult to start something on your own. The straightforward way is to get a job first. So you prepare yourself to get a good job. When you get a job, you start paying off your student loan.

The reality is not the rainbows and sunshine that you used to imagine. The student loan is a burden to you and you cannot think of anything before paying off the loan. Things will not be easy living in a middle-class family. Not having funds can hold you back, but it cannot hold you back forever.

If you really want to start a business, you will find a way to do that. While doing your job and paying off your loan, you can start a side hustle. You cannot work on your business full-time at this moment, that's the reality. But who is going to hold you back if you work after office hours? You have time to work on your business before going to the bed.

You should start small. Even though you have the confidence that it will work, still you should start small. You save money from your salary. You don’t want to lose a lot of money at the beginning stage. When you see it’s working, you can invest more in your business.

Maybe you hate your job. Still, you should not quit your job because that job gives you the fund to start your dream business. After growing your business to a certain extent, you can quit your job and work in your business full-time.

It may not be a fancy way to start your business. But when you don’t have the funds to do your thing on your own, you have to manage funds in some ways. Doing a job, accumulating funds, and starting your business as a side hustle is a way to go.

So what do you think? Please feel free to leave your comments. Thank you for reading this post. That's it for now. I'll be back with another post.

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Avatar for rezoanulvibes
1 year ago


Some people try to find a coherent-thinking co-founder with solid financial background.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

If someone does not have the desire to start a business and take the risk, there is no way he can move forward with it. There are challenges but an entrepreneur can overcome that in order to move forward.

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1 year ago