Why February 14?

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3 years ago

February 14, a day when the city streets are busy, people are rushing to catch up the hours so fast ticking its second hand, afraid that it change to a minute into an hour. For to be late on a date is something that would create a mess, a misunderstanding and ruin the day of lovers.

It is always on this day that a love is most shown not only for lovers but for all mankind who has feelings and a heart. Being demonstrated by way of giving gifts, texting, hugging, calling and dining out be in a plush hotels or in an ordinary and secluded place.

The day that lovers express their innermost feelings to one another, family bonding and expressing the value of friendship. It is also the day for business to flourish, a chance for the florist to gain for a day, the food industry to replenish deficits and chocolate magnate to shine even more. In short the day was a day not only for lovers but for businessmen.

It is a celebration of love and business.

Why February 14?

It is said, that it is the feast day of Saint Valentine the patron saint of lovers. Known to have secretly married a couple to spare the life of the husband in war. A martyr priest for the love of God, suffers death on February 14. The very reason of celebrating love on the 14th of February for his martyrdom expresses love for God and mankind. So, lovers do.

But, thinking it deeply sometimes we could say that celebrations were created for business purposes. We could not deny that in every celebrations it is coupled with expenses, for people have to go out, buy expensive gifts and gives lavish parties. Thus, a chain reaction of businesses sky rated.

During the old days, valentines day was commemorated by cutting a heart in a colored paper pinning in the shirt, creating cards out of colored crayons and sending to friends and love ones. It is how simple, contented, and at lesser cost. Unlike today, wherein the new generations demand and want are so costly. The imported chocolates and flowers and expensive restaurants.

Well, for them it is just once in a year celebration, after valentine's day, begin the ten peso saving in the piggy bank for the next year.

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Written by
3 years ago


Ans for a student like me, it is just a day for pper works and may exams 🤷🏻‍♀️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A good write up dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago