In college before, Bachelor of Science in Commerce or BSC and has its four majors Accounting, Banking and Finance, Management and Marketing. In other universities it has BSBA or Bachelor of Science in Business Administration still related to commerce.
Today, one of these majors is now a course the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. The BSC change its majors: Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting, BSC in Business Management and BSC in Secretarial.
In the year 1980s and early 1990s Secretarial is not a degree it is a two year course especially for those who did not passed the National College Entrance Examination or NCEE. The only board exam in commerce is accounting to become a Certified Public Accountant or CPA but today it has a board exam for management accounting to become certified management accountant or CMA.
Change goes with time as it pass by and we who were not millinials are left with gaping jaw in disbelief.
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