Day and Night!

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Written by
2 years ago

Life is unrushed and slow-moving here. People got the time to ask about how everything was going, we had the time to listen to them and talk about ourselves too.

I wish this could be the same in cities too. But alas! That's what we only can wish, would never be the reality.

I'm talking about my recent visit to my aunt's house. It's been 19 years since science I visited this same place. Can you believe it? I was counting on my finger to let me believe it myself because it feels like just yesterday. They said it correctly, time passes too quickly.

They live in a rural area. What I love most about this place is the greenery. The photo I'm sharing is just in front of their house.

The long clean road, the greenery around, the palm tree; everything makes it so extra special. If you sit there for hours, you will hardly find anyone passing the road. How opposite that is from the city where I live, no?

This slow-phased life, this connected to nature lifestyle always motivates me.

Moreover, the area is well decorated around the place. There's an educational institute owned by my aunt and a mosque too. They are located on two sides of the road. We had to pass both of them to reach their home. They have a daintiness in everything, from their household to their surrounding. The trees, the sights; everything is picture perfect there.

On top of that, they have a huge sitting arrangement just in front of their house. We call it 'Boithok Khana', it's like a meeting place for the homeowner to the locals/visitors. I sit there for hours and enjoyed this view.

Isn't it wonderful?

I have seen the day and night, I have seen how the color of the sky was changing, how the sun was setting...Everything mesmerized me.

It may not be much enjoyable for a city girl to living there permanently, without any internet but I would love to see the change of days and nights for several days. It would surely not gonna bored me or anyone, I believe. And I sure will miss observing these changes of day and night.

$ 0.19
$ 0.19 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
2 years ago


Wow! I love the place my friend. It's really peaceful. This is the reason why I love to live in the countryside because of the peacefulness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish I could move out from this big city and live there forever too. More bessings to you. 😌😌

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too my friend. I wish also. I love province a lot. It has a simply living. A peaceful one.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

here is a wonderful place. where is here? Will you take me there too? people have peace. looks very nice in the photo

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know, right? It's a rural area of Bangladesh. I wish I could take you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ahh wish because it's such a great place

$ 0.00
2 years ago