A nostalgic weekend break.

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1 year ago

A wave of nostalgia swept over me when I walked down to the place I used to live in a few years back.

Getting a chance to relive some fine memories after many many days around my old living area is something I would remember for a long time. I wish I could take a look at the apartment we used to live in but that was not possible because there were tenants ( I didn't want to bother them). But that's okay. Walking around the place made me happy enough.

We all become emotional when we miss the bygone times, no?

This place was our first home, my son grew up there. The streets are where we walk holding his hands. It's so close to my heart, feels like I left a portion of my soul there!

Sometimes, we don't travel solely for the destination, but for the feeling, we get when we're around the place.

This plant nursery used to be our go-to place every now and then. The lake beside this is one of the best breathing spaces in the city. There's a huge park nearby but I didn't get time to go there this time.

The other side of the lake is full of highrises, with nothing much to see. But this part is covered with green. There used to be some community garden initiative too when we live there.

This place is not that special, I mean, nothing fancy. You will probably get to see a lot of waste here and there, also the water is polluted. But my memories are what make me feel special.

I found myself craving some food after a good half-hour walks around the lake. There was a bakery where I used to shop, I stopped there and take away some cakes.

I was still feeling kind of hungry so decided to have a homemade pizza for the dinner.

The cheese-loaded pizza was comforting after a long day.

This was the fine ending to a nostalgic weekend!

I remember the old days, the streets looks the same, how we left everything behind. I have seen some known faces, the trees, and the flowers; everything is the same, only we are not there anymore.
It is strange how we hold on to the pieces of the past while we live in the present!

Have a good day, everyone.

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$ 0.01 from @cmoneyspinner
$ 0.01 from @Lhes
$ 0.01 from @JRamona20
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1 year ago


I craved with the pizza my friend. It's been a month I didn't eat pizza. I missed it a lot especially those having a lot of cheese.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I wish I could share it with you. In my house, I have to make pizza every other day. lol Thanks :) :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Everytime I took a vacation in our province I would visit the spot ( on the other side of mountainous) were our house was built since I was young.

Yeah, reminiscing those days! That pizza looks yummy by the way

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It feels great, no? Visiting the good old place and thinking about everything we left behind. Thanks for appreciating the pizza.

$ 0.00
1 year ago