Favorite Hobby;Photography

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Avatar for rejwanahmmed1
4 years ago

Assalamualikum, how are you, I hope everyone is well by the grace of almighty Allah . I'm also fine . Today I have an article about favourite hobby.

I have some hobbies. One of them is photography. I named my hobby of photography is shokher click. Everyday, I will try to upload regularly my photography of shokher click . I hope you like it. With your blessings, I can become a professional photographer. Please support me. Below are some of my photography-

Fig-1: lily flowers

Fig-2: lotus flowers

Please comment, how you like my photography. If you like it, please like/up-vote and subscribe to get the next article. Thank you

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Avatar for rejwanahmmed1
4 years ago


Nice shot

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4 years ago

Thanks for your valuable comment

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4 years ago


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4 years ago


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4 years ago


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4 years ago