AOC is a funnel. Trump is a funnel. Corporations run the globe period

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3 years ago

When it comes to mask mandates. When it comes to whatever news you find out about. The government is involved. And the media centers the whole story around governments and politicians. But it's all corporations.

The politicians are hand-picked and funded by the corporations. AOC? Globalist bankers and corporations. Trump? Republicans? Democrats? At the end of the day the politicians you hear about. The politicians you find out about. They are the politicians that the corporations want you to know about.

Anyone truly different? They never get a microphone.

AOC is a funnel. Trump is a funnel. The corporations channel all the energy of the masses into single politicians that more or less can't do much.

Oh they can talk. Trump and AOC can get you stirred up... and capture your attention... and your imagination. But so far as anything ever changing. AOC is a joke. Trump is a joke. Both of them have long leashes to talk off script. And the masses of people love this about them. But at the end of the day. Why aren't there more Trumps? More AOCs? Funnels.

Mask mandates? It doesn't matter what the Governor says. Corporations can take care of pretty much everything now. Vaccines. Corporations will ensure everyone gets the vaccine.

Corporations help each other out. Many of the people know this and recognize this. And yet its like this vast matrix. How to figure out a collective way out of this? It's like a big maze. There are people trying to lead the way to the exit. But the door is locked. And so all the people want to turn back around. Or blame the people trying to get everyone through the exit. The corporations are just laughing looking down on the people in this matrix. Throwing peanuts and treats to the masses. Here's some new Netflix shows. Here's another stimulus check. Here's a new politician to give you hope it's going to get better. Oh and hey look, we are going to Mars!

Bahahahaha say the corporations.

Its corporate-state rule. Corporatism as we called it here. A "merger of state and corporate power."

$ 0.48
$ 0.48 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for reeloutdeep
3 years ago
