Promoting Your OnlyFans on Reddit

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2 years ago
Topics: Reddit, Onlyfans

Congratulations! You've stumbled upon the secret to promoting your OnlyFans on Reddit that most will never know about... Are you ready for this? First off, when it comes to reddit you need to know: What, When, and Where to Post. All of these things must be done correctly and learning it will take some time. The other thing that most people miss is that your post climbs up toward the top of the subreddit based on how popular it is. Which is mainly the # of upvotes / amount of time since you posted. Most are missing this key element of making their posts go viral.

This might sound like it's left to chance or luck, I can assure you it's not...

After completing this article you will be a certified reddit professional!

First, there are a few changes you should make in your user settings before posting.

Set your Profile to NSFW. If you don't do this, and you post or repost adult content your account could get banned. Sometimes instantly so be sure to do this right away.

While inside your settings go to feed settings: activate adult content and deactivate safe browsing mode (which blurs adult in your reddit feed). Once these steps are complete you're now ready to post NSFW content to your favorite subreddits.

Promoting NSFW Content on Reddit requires the following:

  • Find subreddits that fit your content:

  • Look at the top posts and see what is popular for the subreddit.

  • Read all of the rules of the subreddit and what content is accepted.

  • Use either or for hosting your NSFW images.

  • Find the best times to post in a subreddit using

  • Schedule your post the for one of the ideal posting times for that subreddit.

  • Pin a recent post with your OF, AllMyLinks or LinkTree link in the comments.

  • Type your OF, AllMyLinks or LinkTree address the About section of your bio.

  • Write unique post titles, post consistently, and keep creating new content.

  • Most importantly be patient and wait for your Karma & Followers to grow.

Where Should You Promote Your OnlyFans on Reddit?

Look for larger subreddits (100,000+ subsribers) that fit your niche or body type (ex: Small boobs, brown skin, petite) style (ex: Goth, geeky, cosplay) and fetishs (ex: BDSM, foot content). Smaller subreddits that fit your niche also work, but it is always good to post in some big subreddits to grow your followers and get attention.

What Times Should You Be Posting Your Promos to Reddit?

Set a schedule to post: post every day on 5 to 10 subreddits when there's many people online. You can visit the subreddit to see how many active members there are or your can use the "Best Time" feature in the Reddit Post Scheduler to find the best times of the day, or week, to post to a particular subreddit. By doing this you'll get your posts in front of way more eyeballs which is always beneficial when promoting.

What type of Content Should You Post on Reddit?

Create photos and gifs designed specifically for the subreddits you're posting to...

Example: if you're posting to r/booty , try to take THE PERFECT booty pic, that you think will have potential to go viral and reach the top of Hot Posts! Also try to produce gifs, they really grab attention and are seen as a more premium type of post.

Make a post pinned on your profile that is attractive to your OnlyFans, for example: Post a short gif of a video and announce that the full video is available on your OF, Or a censored photo that is available uncensored on your OF. Don't forget to comment the link! Another thing I recommend it writing a catchy, sales pitch type title or announce a promotion and create a link post that you pin to your profile as well...

Post the content you want, now of course the more you show more attention it will draw, but it is perfectly possible to have your posts going big without showing your face or posting full nudes. Just be creative about where you're posting and the titles you're writing so potential subs will be drawn to your charismatic personality.

One of the biggest issues I see with new content creators who discover reddit is that they don't stay consistent. Most of them are giving up before they even reach 1,000 karma. You need thousands of karma to post in the most popular subs and the fact they're more exclusive and harder to get into means you won't be sharing the pie with so many others who likely gave up because it wasn't easy. Don't let that be you!

Some additional tips to help you succeed with Reddit posting:

Keep a list of your favorite subs to post to and stay consistent with posting to them.

Finding those subs: I'll often look at high-level successful posters in the subs you've already discovered and see where else they're posting. I use two websites to do all of my dirty work when it comes to researching other creators I'll share them:

Using these tools will give you insight into where and when a particular creator is posting. Here's a look at the top subreddits are posting to in the reddit user analyzer.

You should absolutely post in the bigger subs, the problem is that so many others are posting as well. The default tab for subreddits is "Hot Posts" which shows the most viral posts. I mentioned the formula earlier but in more detail it's like this.


The first 60 minutes since the post are most critical.

If you get 60 upvotes in your first 60 minutes, or 1 upvote per minute in subreddits w/ around 100k subs, you should be golden and you'll rank in the top of "Hot Posts", this isn't a guarantee however, and before you even think about it; you can't simply create accounts on your own and upvote yourself (without a lot of knowledge of how it's done or your accounts are going to banned quickly by Reddit's automoderators).

What type of content should you create for Reddit promotions?

Try to take photos/gifs that can fit in multiple subreddits. Don't use the same photo/gif in the same night for 100 different subs. The moderators of the subreddits you're posting in will check your feed and if they see the same post you submitted to them over and over again on your feed they're likely to "lock" your post so nobody sees it or even worse ban you from the subreddit for good. Now is a good time to mention that you should read the rules of each subreddit you're posting to.

Make a wide variety of content and use gifs/photos that fit, for example, five subreddits on one night, another five a week later, and five subs a week later.

You can recycle content if needed, but space it out so your feed doesn't look like you're spamming. Don't stress yourself out creating custom content for each sub either. You need to balance the amount of subs you post to with the content you create and spread it out as much as possible without looking like you're a spammer.

Take an honest look at your promo content. Would you be impressed by your content if you were a potential customer? If not, work on it... I see so many creators say they could only dream of being top whatever %, but their content isn't that entertaining.

Look at top posts of popular NSFW subreddits.

That's your competition! Be real with yourself... Plenty of those creators are not managed models despite what some like to say. Their lighting is good, their camera is good even if it just means having a good quality smartphone, the effort is put in, they're creative, and it makes them stand out above the other creators who are lost in the endless amount of "New Posts". Do what you can to stand out from the crowd!

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Reddit, Onlyfans


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