Colonial Rodi | The Meaning Of Controversial
Talking about colonizers may sound very contradictory to our understanding of humanity, meaning that invaders are defined as communists, inhumane, illegal and so on. The colonial period was a dark time when some people had to suffer when they were prisoners, hostages, whips, hunger, torture, no freedom and all orders were controlled by one command.
Rodi is a word that will probably never be forgotten by people who lived during the colonial period because from this word various sources of torture came, forced labor was endless and unpaid and everyone had to work. Rodi in the colonial period has provided evidence that human life is very hard with intolerant coordination for everyone who has become a slave to work to meet colonial needs. Rodi is synonymous with colonialism, meaning that the colonial way of life always applies the obligation of hard work to utilize human and natural resources to become a source of income for the colonizers.
Colonial dictatorships ultimately led to changes in the structure of life in one of their former colonies, meaning that the colonial way of life was affiliated with the colonized people regarding the language, spirituality, customs and culture that were embedded in people's lives so that the people's way of life followed the colonial way of life.
The same view also occurred in my area when my area was colonized by western nations. Their main goal is glory, wealth and spread Christianity. Of the three goals, one of the goals that change people's views of life is belief or Christian understanding which has become part of people's lives to this day. You need to know that before the entry of the invaders in my area, almost all people adhered to animist beliefs. But everything changed when Christianity was spread by the invaders and until now I am enjoying its impact. What if the invaders from the west don't enter my territory? Perhaps, at this time I do not know God and still adhere to animistic beliefs.
Controversy in society about colonialism needs to be revisited, Rodi has robbed natural and human resources, but generations have left animism.
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