Face masks do kill the kids

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3 years ago
Happy kids without face mask, smiling and exchanging positive energy by hugging each other.

Our body is a perfect miracle invention but our culture teaches us to abuse it, to use it, to enhance it in a non constructive manner.

We get forced to choose a hand to write with, we are not allowed to write with both hands as that would not be efficient enough. But the body needs to be used in an equilibrated way, we are symmetric beings so we must use our bodies symmetrically equilibrated. Look into the mirrow to see that your left side is equal to your right side by nature. That issue can also be easily observed in people that carry their handbag always on the same side, as their shoulders already hang over even without any bag.

But it is not just the handbag, it is an universal law which must be applied to all occasions. 

We must write with both hands, we must eat with both hands, we must work with both hands. We must do everything with both hands in the most equilibrated manner possible. A disequilibrium costs a lot of energy to the body as it is missing the natural counterpart. A life in equilibrium is much less effort because we need less muscle energy to keep our body straight therefore we have more mind energy.

The lungs must be opened. 

Most activities we do with the front of our body as we grab things and we carry things mostly on the front side but the most extreme case is the work that we are doing. Whenever we are working we mostly work in the front area of our body. That means our chest closes as the shoulders move forward. 

The human lungs need space in your chest to grab the most oxygen possible.

Inside our chest we have the lungs and the lung capacity is mostly defined by the chest volumen. The lung capacity defines the amount of oxygen that we can breathe into our bloodstream which then gives us the energy for our metabolism. Once we get aware and learn how to open the chest by making exercises with the hands on the backside of the body, we directly feel the difference that it makes when we can pump so much more oxygen into our bloodstream.

Now the culture wants to even take us the breath directly by putting an obstacle onto the face that does not allow us to intake the maximum amount of oxygen possible. 

We always must thrive for the maximum amount of oxygen to have the maximum life energy. Why would anyone want to live below his abilities? Why would anyone agree to disrupt the natural process of life effectively killing themselves? 

Well there is one thing that we also got conditioned on, it's called fear. We get conditioned on fear of death, as we make huge sad ceremonies where everyone is suffering once another human passes away. Why should anyone be sad to die when it is their time to die?

The person who is dying is not suffering at all, for them it is a release, it is just us who proyect that suffering on that person. Of course you can suffer with a disease, but the death in itself is a liberation. We got conditioned to attach each other so strong that we do not want to let the other go. That is why we are suffering when someone else dies. But the person who dies has to go and we must accept.

Life is a circle of birth and death and we must accept both of it. We can not just praise one thing but neglect the other; life comes in a complete package.

Fear not based on evidence is destructive, being careful from experience is something else.

But what if the death is unnatural? Imagine we had a pandemic and people full of fear now would have a reason to fear death as they would perceive it as an unnatural death. 

But is a virus really an unnatural thing? Don't we have viruses and bacteria all around and all inside our bodies all the time? In reality the virus serves as a natural vaccine and the unnatural thing we are doing is to hinder our body to intake the maximum amount of oxygen that it would need especially in case of a disease. Actually the chance to die is much higher when we work against our bodies by not allowing them to breath. 

The chance of dying is much higher when we put sugar, salt, oil or alcohol into our bodies. That is actually a risk anyone can control. But the virus is god/nature/universe made and therefore it serves a positive purpose as a natural vaccine as life in itself is a perfect miracle. While the face mask is fabric made, it is a product for commerce that is a business. Not only do we get robbed of our life energy, we shall also pay for it.

We have been massively fooled since the beginning of our life, culture has conditioned us on fear and abuse of our own bodies. We get conditioned to feed us with unnatural fabric made things instead of natural fruits and vegetables. The face mask is just the tip of the iceberg, but it is so obvious that it destroys health that even the kids automatically feel dizzy when they are forced to wear it. 

We are giving up our freedom by wearing a face mask that someone else dictates on us.

Kids still have stronger instincts, they have not learned to ignore the pain yet, therefore they can tell us if they would like to wear a face mask or not. The kid needs to have contact with viruses and bacterias because that trains the immune system. Viruses and bacteria have never been a bad thing, but what really is a bad thing is our alimentation and the culture that trains us to fear and abuse our bodies. 

Please ask your kid if he feels good wearing a face mask and give him the choice to choose by himself if they want to wear it. Do not condition them on fear, tell them that the virus is a natural vaccination and that with each virus they grow.

Does this guy look happy wearing his face mask? Does anyone look happy wearing a mask?

You do not have to agree with all the points that I am making, that is not even possible without me intentionally comforting your expectations.

If you would agree to what I am writing here, that would mean you had learned nothing as you already had that information before. It is a great thing to be in disagreement because these are the moments we are connecting to bring evolution forward. I send you this important message as a gift of information and you can appreciate it or ignore it but dont judge it if you want to keep an open mind and keep growing consciousness.

Thanks for the gift of your attention.

Thats me

All that I have written here are conclusions of my own life experience.

I have an extremely healthy body and during the past ten years that I came to these conclusions and started to treat my body with all the love and respect which that perfect miracle deserves, since then I have seen a massive improvement in my health.

You can do the same, if you want to live life with the maximum amount of joy.

At any moment in time you can start to enjoy life living by your natural instincts. All it takes is a decision and integrity to stick to it as a principle. We can trust into the instincts of our children especially, as they are the born genius that will bring us to the next level of human evolution. Kids are so much smarter than adults, they would never poison nor abuse their bodies if they wouldnt be conditioned on it.

Feliz Chelou


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3 years ago



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3 years ago

Very good article

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Nice article

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3 years ago

I am thankful to you mam

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3 years ago

It's a important article for all thanks for share.

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