Village life

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4 years ago

Village life, I think all of you imagine that What I'm going to say and write about. Village life always the peaceful life than city life. But there is also some heritage and limitations exits.

Hi all fellow users. How was your day? Today also here rains all over tbe day and I'm going to sick of it. Now it is heritage me and I don't like the, by ignoring all of those thing tbe day was very enjoyable for me, cause all the day long I already watch two movies and going to write a review about those two movies at the night. Think you all also have a look for them.

I'm born on a village and spent my whole childhood here. So,there is many memory and sentiment are attached with my village. I feel every fields and ground and know every path. The smell of the soil is very familiar to me. Though my father is not a farmer but my uncle is one of them and I often help him to do farming and that's way the cent was involved with my body and heart.

My village known as chandpara billage and it stand on the heart of a pourosova. We can easily join the bazar with walking in two minutes . That is a big advantage for us. And we have our own cultivation programe that's way we are able to cultivate all the necessary crops to feed our village people. We also have many lake and an river which flow on by the middle of the river. And I was already post some of those photographs that's took from the river and you all already seen it. We have also two playing fields and one of them used as cricket ground and another used as a football ground. Both of two gamed are very popular in our locality. But football is more popular and all aged people play it. That's why it is more popular than cricket. We also have school and a primary scholl but don't have any collage now. That’s why OUR village is well settled.

There was a proverb goes that 'God made made the village and man made the city 'and this proverb is absolutely right and exist. Man has attracted to city life because he can enjoy more advantage by living in a city.

So let's have a look some advantage of city life also...

  • There are more opportunity for work.

  • There are exits many office, big buildings, industries and factories.

  • There are more schools, collage and university. That's means more opportunity and scope for education.

  • People will get more facilities for medical treatment. There are more hospital, and government clinic exit in city.

  • There is exit good transport system. All the road are well furnished but sometimes the traffic jam occured and this thing is really hesitated.

So, we can see that city life has some demerits actually more demerits than merits. Air is more pollutes in city life. It gets polluted in many ways. People can not breath properly cause there is always a bitter scent always here.and also people life has no safety. Anytime anything can be occured here.

Let's have a look about village life...

  • Always fresh air exits.

  • People can enjoy a healthy and sound life here.

  • Lack of good transporting system.

  • Low number of school and collage. There is hardly seen an school in one villages.

  • Always fresh meal and other things are available.

  • Low medical facilities.

People who live in village enjoy the wide open sky above and the green fields, beautiful flowers. He always hear the sweet song of birds.

After all them,village life is more comfortable and enjoyable for me. City life full of busyness. But end of the day we all find a job to settled out and earn some good life. That's the main reason why we have leave village. We have to leave and go to the city to find a we can enjoy the now but int the future we will not able to do it.we all came our village frome our job city and spent two or three days with our friends and relatives and ofcoaurse with my village.

Hope you all like my article and support my point of view. If you do so please consider to like, comment and subscribe.

Stay home,stay safe. God bless us all.

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4 years ago


Village life are the healthiest life we could live with natural beauty

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes brother you are right

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3 years ago