Who's to blame?

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3 years ago

Is there really a child who was born a bully? What could be the reasons behind why a child turns out to be one?Is there anyone to blame?Could be the parents are the main reason or the community where the child grows?Or the child is already a bully himself?

Two years ago, my eldest child who was only one year old at that time experienced being bullied right in front of our house. The children across our house who just moved in didn't even hesitate to hurt her even with our presence. One time while I was washing clothes and my little girl was with me, my neighbor's son went outside and got a piece of ply wood and strike it on my child's back twice. The second time was that that boy's cousin also hits her three times using a piece of cloth while laughing. Excluding the days when they hurt her while I'm not around. They're not only hurting my child but the other kids in our community as well.

How could these kids do such things? Are their parents aware with what they're doing? Do they know how unruly their kids are? What are they doing in order to discipline them?

One Sunday afternoon, these kids were riding a bicycle with their parents watching them and the older brother intentionally bumped into my nephew and left him crying right before his parents' eyes. I thought his parents will call him home and scold him. Guess what the parents did? They just smiled saying "buguya jud nimo kuya oi" and act as if nothing happens. Like what?

Psalms 127 verse 3 says: "Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward". Yes, our children are God's blessing to us but it doesn't mean that we will just leave them as they are and let them grow as brats. Remember that Proverbs 22 verse 15 states that "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him". If we see them doing things that are already alarming, we need to correct and discipline them. It is our responsibility to guide them as they grow. Whatever they will become in the future will reflect what kind of parents we are to them and how we raised them. Parenting is a lifetime commitment and responsibility. I know it's not easy because I'm also a new parent myself but I guess we can learn a lot of parenting styles and techniques from those who come before us.

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$ 0.58 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
