What my daughter taught me....

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3 years ago

Did you recently play with your children? Have you talked to them before they go to sleep? Can you still remember the recent thing your kids asked from you? Do you know the things that they liked? Do you have any idea of their favorites and the things that they usually do in a day?

She is Michaela, my eldest child. She is sweet, caring and bubbly. But she said something recently that truly breaks my heart. She utter these words to me "Di na ko love nimo" . So I asked myself what made her say those words. How could a three year old child thinks that way? Have I done something that made her think that I don't love her? Did I forget to hug or kiss her? Did I miss to buy her favorite food or the toy that she longs to have? Or did she just say those words after hearing it from somewhere? It is really something that I need to ponder on.

Time flies really fast. It seems like yesterday that I gave birth to her and now she's already in nursery school. Talking to her was like talking to a person of the same age as mine. She's very outspoken and independent. She already decide on what food to eat, clothes to wear, store to buy, and even videos to watch. She learned things on her own. Was it because of technology or the way we raised her, I don't really know. Was it because I spent most of my time in her younger days working that I missed a lot of things about her?

These are the things that I asked myself these past few months and I think quitting from work was the best decision I made ever. Yes, we don't have much financially but I have a lot of time with my children.

One speaker in a parent's orientation told us this short story: Once there was a child who keeps on asking money from his father everyday. He also asked how much was his dad's salary in a day. After a month of asking money from his dad, he then approach his dad and said, " Dad, I already have money enough for your one day salary. Can you now spend a day with me? After hearing those words, his dad cried so hard that day.

Yes, putting food on the table is very important but what's more important for the kids and the things that will really last in their life is the happy memories that we spend together with them.

Yes, we still need to go through a lot of things raising them but with God's help we will get through with it. It has always been our prayer (and I know all parents do) that they will grow as God- fearing ,good example to the community and glorify God in their lives. These things will not happen if we will let them grow on their own. And it's not too late for us parents to start creating good memories with our children ^ ^

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3 years ago
