We had COVID?

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3 years ago

While looking at videos of our Miss Universe contestants starting from Miss Pia until Ms Rabiya Mateo, Rica Peralejo's vlog popped up. I got curious because of the title and so I watched it. At her vlog, she talked about their Covid journey: what are the symptoms like, how the virus progressed, how her body reacted and recovered and the things they did while on that journey. As I was listening to her reiterating everything, what happened to us last January came back to my mind. I just want to narrate here our journey and how God helped us all throughout the journey.

It was Sunday, (I can't remember the date) my brother in law came home very very sick. He was sneezing, coughing, had fever and was just lying in his bed the whole time for like days. On the third day, he lost his sense of smell and taste but we just ignored it and provided him some medicines and vitamins. After a week, his body was getting better and so he had himself checked for med cert purposes. Then, I suddenly felt ill after a week. I sneezed a lot in which I thought I only had allergic rhinitis and my head hurts so bad, my throat hurts and I had dry cough. Thursday came, 28th day of January and I'm already chilling and was really ill. My whole body was aching and rising up from bed was really a difficult one. My husband came home very sick as well. He had fever, he was coughing, his head hurts and had body pain. We both felt super fatigue. Three days after, we already lost our sense of taste and smell. Thankfully my husband was monitored by their company nurse everyday. After a week, he was asked to see a doctor for a fit to work certificate and so we visited a doctor we trusted and had him checked. The doctor decided to have him undergo a rapid test and boom it came out positive. That's when all the worries came in. Although I manifested the same symptoms as my husband had but I did not have myself checked since I don't need to go to work because I'm on a work at home set up. The doctor prescribed a lot of medicines and vitamins for my husband and advised us to connect with our LGU for a free Swab test and asked us to come back after the result comes out. My husband was swabbed on Monday and the result came out three days after and praise Jesus it came out negative. The doctor said that he really had covid but the result came out negative it's either because he was swabbed after passing the critical stage and was on medication or it could be that the virus in his specimen already died before it get tested. He asked us to have another test if we want to make sure but we chose not to have it anymore.

I stand amazed at God's wonderful grace and mercy as I was looking back at that experience. Since January 28, we already isolated ourselves but It's not the virus that will kill us but anxieties and worries will. Thankfully God gave us peace all throughout the journey. He used people the least we expected to be used to provide us with food and milk for our kids. Groceries kept coming and so there was never a time that we're hungry. He gave us peaceful sleep every night. Jesus is indeed our best doctor and mighty healer. Come to think of it, I never had taken any medication I mean the synthetic ones. I only ate gotocola plant twice and had vitamin c but He healed my body completely. I was even okay earlier than my husband did and our kids who were asthmatic were very healthy during those days. We, our pastor and his family and the whole church prayed with us and entrusted everything to God to lead us through the whole process.

If I were to choose between having or not not having covid, I will chose the latter. Being in it was truly hard. If not because God was with us, our pastor and his family and the church prayed for us I think we can't make it. So let's stay at home as much as we can. If it's really unavoidable, then, keep yourself protected. Always wear your mask and stay away from crowded places.

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3 years ago
