How we survived the first 7 years of married life

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3 years ago

The first seven years of our marriage was really a tough ride. We spent most of those years paying bills upon bills upon bills and I'm amazed at how God works wonders.

My husband and I first met last May 2012. He was one of the employees in the workplace where I applied. We got married a year after. He was his family's breadwinner and so a part of our monthly income went to his family even after marriage. We were also supporting his siblings' schooling up to college so life back then was quite tough. Thankfully, his brother belonged to the deans list so we paid a little tuition then he got a job after that. His younger sister was also a scholar in college.

We had our first loan on our first year of being married. We purchased a motorcycle because he's on a night shift. We had our second major loan on the second year. We were able to get a house in a housing project in our place. I had miscarriage on the third year and was hospitalized and so another bill pilled up. After four years of marriage, God blessed us with a precious child. I didn't gave birth through normal delivery and so we were into so much loan again just to pay all the hospital bills and the doctors because we didn't expect it to turned out that way. I gave birth through C section to our second child two years after. My daughter was also hospitalized in another hospital because of dengue on the same date that I gave birth to my second child. He also got hospitalized three months after that and so the bills that must be paid just kept on pilling up.

Then this pandemic came. It's maybe a problem to others but it came like a blessing in disguise to us. Yeah, it is truly a blessing in disguise! Everything freezes. The bank where we had our salary loan gave us a refund for four months and so we were able to pay some of our debts. I don't know how God did it but He truly has his ways that is quite amazing. Yes,we lost almost 20% of our monthly income because of the pandemic but God enable us to pay our debts. I don't know how He did it but miracles happened.

Yes, we spent most of our first 7 years paying bills upon bills upon bills. Life was truly arduous but to my surprise, as I tried recalling everything, we were blessed. There was never a time that we felt miserable as what other people think we were. God had made us get through all those tough years. I couldn't remember a time we fight over money or something. Whenever we'll have an unpaid bill, my husband will just tell me to pray and trust God that He'll provide the need. We're still able to extend a hand every time someone will ask for our help. Everything would not be possible if God didn't help us and do great wonders. All praises to God.

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3 years ago
