Why Did I take a Covid-19 Shot

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3 years ago
Topics: Writing, Life

Covid 19 has done terrible things in our lives for the whole year up until now. Towns on lockdowns, school classes being suspended, works lost because of closing of establishments and other more.

But with the development of covid 19 vaccine, a light had shown in the dark sky. A light that brought hopes to many of us that is wishing that this pandemic will end.


As defined by the World Health Organization

"Vaccination is a simple, safe, and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases, before they come into contact with them. It uses your body’s natural defenses to build resistance to specific infections and makes your immune system stronger.

Vaccines train your immune system to create antibodies, just as it does when it’s exposed to a disease. However, because vaccines contain only killed or weakened forms of germs like viruses or bacteria, they do not cause the disease or put you at risk of its complications.

Most vaccines are given by an injection, but some are given orally (by mouth) or sprayed into the nose."

In others words, when you get vaccinated, it doesn't mean that you wouldn't acquire the certain disease but it will just help you prevent further complications.

Covid-19 Vaccines

There are lots of brands that have been developed within a year. Different names, different companies, different efficacy, different side effects, but with the same goal. The goal for herd immunity.

I knew that there are lots of doubts about the covid vaccines:

  1. Because it was developed on just a single year.

  2. There are news about severe adverse reaction

  3. Even with the development of this vaccines, lots of people are still getting infected by covid 19

Yes, vaccines are mostly developed 10-15 years including public and private clinical trials.

Adverse reactions aren't avoidable, it always comes with risk.

As mentioned above, vaccines are just prevention for complications that the disease will give you.

I am not saying that you should be vaccinated, but weigh in the reward it can give you over the risk.

Just let me tell you what I experienced on getting the covid-19 vaccine.

Why did I choose to get vaccinated?

After hearing about the arrival of the vaccine in our country, I can say that I'm excited and I'm one of the first who volunteered to get a shot.


First, it is because I am one of the healthcare workers who are caring for the people who are infected with covid-19. I've seen lots of sufferings of people who acquired the disease and I don't want to experience what I have witnessed.

Secondly, getting a shot means you have contributed to collect more data about what will happen to a person who will get a shot. And if there is any severe adverse reaction, the vaccine will be immediately be rolled out. I think for doing this, I will be saving lots of lives.

Lastly, by being vaccinated, I can give my patients the care that they need without worrying my own health. Worrying for your own safety will make you work inefficiently.

My experience with Covid-19 vaccine

I got vaccinated with covid-19 vaccine last month.

We have first a consultation with medical doctors taking our medical history and taking vital signs before proceeding to get a shot.

If you are qualified, you will go to the vaccination area wherein you will be given the brand of vaccine you have choosen. I got vaccinated with covid 19 vaccine. It is just like getting a normal flu shot.

After getting the shot, we will be monitored for 30 minutes to an hour for any adverse reaction. And thankful, there is nothing like serious complication.

The side effects

Side effects are different form adverse reaction. Side effects are the one which is expected after getting a shot while adverse reaction are the ones who are the bad effects or not expected with the vaccines.

After 12 hours of getting the shot, I started to have chills. A sign that I will start to have a fever. And taadah, as expected, my temp rose up to 38.5 degree celsius. I also got muscle pains all over my body. And lastly, the worst headache I ever had. It feels like my head is breaking in half.

This symptoms lasted for 24 hours but I didn't worried because those are the one that is expected after getting vaccinated. This means that my body is reacting or trying to fight the weakened virus.

PS: I took some pain medications and paracetamols to relieve all the side effects.

The experience is not bad and now I'm relieved that I won't get any serious complication if ever I will get infected by the corona virus. 😊

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Avatar for rbee
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Writing, Life


I did get vaccinated too but didn't have any side effects

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3 years ago