How to be not tired

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2 years ago

It's completely normal to have a lethargic day now and then. It's one of those days when you just don't want to do anything. If, on the other hand, you're constantly exhausted and wish to spend your days in bed napping, it's important to analyze your behaviors and modify the ones that are depleting your energy.

If we wish to feel more energized during the day, here are some suggestions.

Sleep soundly.

Sleeping less than seven hours each night, as obvious as it may seem, will most likely be felt during the day and will have a detrimental impact on how you feel physically and emotionally. Not to mention the long-term health hazards of weight gain, depression, higher risk of accidents owing to a lack of concentration, lowered immunological defenses, higher risk of diabetes and heart disease, and impaired thinking, mood, and memory.

The most prevalent cause of tiredness is not getting enough sleep. However, some research has found that sleeping for more than nine hours per night increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and headaches. The happy medium for most adults is seven to eight hours of sleep every night. You should try to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time every day.

Choose your first meal with care.

If you eat a muffin, donut, cereal, or anything else heavy in carbohydrates for breakfast, you'll experience a significant jump in your blood sugar level that, just a few hours later, will make you feel the pressing need for an afternoon sleep. Make sure your first meal of the day, in particular, is protein-rich, such as eggs or an omelet, or Greek yogurt with berries.

Protein protects you from abrupt blood sugar changes, making you more alert. Drinking one to two cups of black coffee each day has been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce inflammation, and provide us with more energy to get us through the day.

Increase your water intake.

Many people don't drink enough water throughout the day, which contributes to dehydration and weariness. Keep a water bottle nearby and drink a full glass of water before each meal to increase your water intake. Another quick pick-me-up is to take a fast shower; if that isn't possible, washing your face or even washing your hands in cold water might help you feel more awake.


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2 years ago
