Go for Green Tea

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2 years ago

People utilize all kinds of things to become smarter and perform better at work or school, including coffee, vitamins, and brain enhancing chemicals. But what if the secret ingredient is green tea?

Because of its high antioxidant and nutritional content, green tea has a wide range of health advantages.

Green tea has been shown to raise metabolism, lessen the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, enhance the immune system, and cut the risk of a variety of cancers.

History of Tea

Tea has a five-thousand-year history in Ancient China, and tea culture was popularized in the 8th century during the Tang Dynasty thanks to people and prominent figures like Lu yu.

Lu Yu is a literary scholar who produced "The Classic of Tea," the world's first tea monograph. Lu Yu improved the process of preparing and drinking tea over the course of 10 chapters, including outlining the fifteen tools used in the tea-making process, suitable ways for storing harvested tea leaves, and the sorts of water and water quality to look out for when boiling tea.

From the Han Dynasty forward, tea has been used for its therapeutic benefits. Tea had previously been reserved for the Emperor, but due to its health benefits, it was swiftly made available to noblemen and, later, students. Tea culture became a national ritual in China and extended to other countries as the way of producing tea grew more widely known.

Tea culture has extended throughout the world and is no longer limited to Asia.

Green tea, on the other hand, has ingredients that can aid in the enhancement and restoration of your brain.

Green tea's benefits have been studied in recent scientific investigations. A study conducted on healthy volunteers at the University of Basel in Switzerland discovered that just four weekly doses of green tea extract boosted connectivity in brain regions related with working memory, resulting in greater performance on particular memory tasks.

Green tea also includes L-theanine, an amino acid that can cause changes in the brain that have anti-anxiety benefits, and can operate in tandem with caffeine to promote improved brain processes.

Components in green tea has also been shown to protect the brain from the detrimental effects of aging.

Alzheimer's disease is a disease that affects over 44 million individuals worldwide and is caused by the destruction of brain cells. Alzheimer's disease is irreversible and can cause cognitive processes including memory, decision-making, and control to deteriorate.

The brain shrinks as a person ages, and key connections are lost. A build-up of various proteins from dying cells in the brain known as "plaques and tangles," which can stop impulses and nutrients from reaching existing neurons, resulting in further cell death.

However, according to a study conducted at Newcastle University, post-digested forms of tea can connect with hazardous substances in the brain and protect the cells, preventing memory and learning loss.

As you can see, green tea has a variety of health benefits, and when compared to beverages like coffee or black tea, it has a lower caffeine content, which can help you stay awake without making you feel jittery or worried.

So, whenever you're thinking about a drink to make you smarter, go for green tea!





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2 years ago
