White label crypto wallet development with updated features

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Avatar for rawallewis
2 years ago

A cryptocurrency wallet is a digital wallet used to store, send and receive digital currency like Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency wallets are software programs that store your public and private keys and interfaced with various blockchains so that you can monitor your balance, and send and receive currency. Many cryptocurrency wallets allow you to hold multiple currencies at once.

This crypto wallet has both public keys and private keys for the secured transaction. Private keys act as a password with digital codes. Whereas public keys act as the public address that is directly connected to the wallet balance. Generally, a crypto wallet has two types of storage. They are hot wallets and cold wallets. 

The hot wallet is an online storage and needs an internet connection.  Whereas a cold wallet is offline storage and there is no need for the internet. So most investors and business people use cold wallets in their exchange trading platforms for storing the cryptocurrencies safe and secure. 

Developing a Cryptocurrency wallet is a trending point in the current business sphere. We came from a digital era, where many entrepreneurs are developing their cryptocurrency wallets by using white label software because of its peculiar features, instant launch, and cost efficiency on comparing to other development methods.

A white label cryptocurrency wallet is a tiny software that is used to develop a crypto wallet instantly. This white label crypto wallet consists of peculiar trading features and updated security functions. you can customize the features depending on your business requirements. Now let’s see the types of white label crypto wallet development 

Types of white label crypto wallet development

  • Mobile wallets 

  • Desktop wallets

  • Web wallets

  • Paper wallets

  • Hardware wallet

The features play a major role in crypto wallet development, here is the list of features that you should include in a white label crypto wallet development.

Updated peculiar features of white label crypto wallet development are

  • Registration/Sign-in System 

  • Multi-Signature 

  • KYC verification

  • Multi-cryptocurrency transactions

  • Privacy

  • Options to Sell/Buy Cryptocurrencies

  • In-chat transactions

  • Cross-platform compatibility

  • API connections for crypto exchange

  • Multi-Asset Storage

Along with the trading features the white label crypto wallet includes some of the inbuilt security features

Security features in white label crypto wallet development are

  • Completely secured monetary transactions

  • Quick implementation

  • Two-factor authentication

  • Cross-platform cryptocurrency wallet

  • Multisignature vaults

  • Biometric authentication

 By enabling these customized features in the white label crypto wallet development, you can launch a successful crypto wallet

Now if you are interested to develop your crypto wallet with these advanced features, then you have to approach a leading cryptocurrency wallet development company in a crypto market. From my market analysis, I find one of the companies is "Zab technologies. They are a first-grade white-label cryptocurrency wallet development company and have expertise crypto wallet developers to develop your cryptocurrency wallets with updated security features”. Also, you can develop your crypto wallet within a few days at a reasonable cost.

Also, you can talk to their business experts directly via

 Whatsapp / Telegram @ +91 77085 29089

Mail: contact@zabtechnologies.net

$ 0.00
Avatar for rawallewis
2 years ago


Nice post

$ 0.00
1 year ago