The Cruel Hammer with Careless Chisel

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1 year ago

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Friday, October 14 || 09:33 PM

Life sometimes takes revenge of those sins that we haven't committed in our lives, it punishes us in a way that could make you cry. Sometimes it snatches something most precious to you, sometimes it gives you wounds that could be healed in whole of your life. Some of the wounds are physical and others are the ones that your soul takes from the hardness of life. As we all know the physical wounds are temporary but much painful and soul wounds that your heart and mind takes are long lasting,. sometimes they are forever. And some physical wounds leave a stain that make you memorize the pain of that wound in your whole life.

Exactly what happened to me yesterday. I got a wound that may get healed by the time but it destroyed my night, it gave me unbearable pain. (Before starting, i want explain that, only poverty and unstable financial conditions leads you to do hard and impossible things. The reason behind doing this is survival in this cruel society, bad and unstable financial condition is main issue these days, increasing inflation is snatching the poor people, they food they were having only two times in a day, are now unable yo to afford that two times in day).

The Story begins almost a month ago. When i completed my graduation and it was first week of unofficial holiday. (As you are aware, life sometimes does not show any kindness to you, it takes revenge, giving you different kinda punishments). I remember this this tragedy as one of the punishments my life gave me.

We have to construct our house forcefully, not actually in term of that someone reallocate forcing us to build our house, but it was demanded by time that we must build our house in a specific time. The factor behind this hurricane was.

  1. 1st factor was my brother's marriage. My brother's in laws were forcing to do marriage as soon as they want, and before marriage, you must have a new big house. (You know how difficult it is to lose a love partner for marriage, so my brother was helpless, and he don't have chance to refuse from marriage. And he agreed on building a new house. And he had to admit on their provided conditions.

  2. The other factor was we don't have enough money to finish everything on time by hiring multiple people to work for us. As a result me and my younger brother decided to work ws labor with the mason. My younger brother is only 16 years old and he don't have experience as well as stamina to work for a long time so i took responsibility of work, and we started the work with a given deadline.

Everything was working very well, we were managing money and time, but what happened on Saturday ? (You may not know, Saturday is start of new week in most of the Muslim countries, so Friday is a holiday and it was a new working day after the rest). We worked for whole day, we worked from 7 AM to 4 PM. I gave permission to my brother to rest after a long tiring day, and other labor person also went to their homes after performing their duty.

The mason said to me that he need to do work more, because his child is sick and with the money of overtime he will earn from here, he will take his child to the doctor, well we both agreed. He was working on a wall and was building it, he asked me to break a piece of concrete because we were going to fix a door frame there.

Chisel + Hammer

The work had to be done with a hammer and another tool named as Chaini. And it os called as Chisel in English. (Chisel and hammer are used together to break a wall, concrete, wood or iron rods also). I have given a task to break extra concrete for fitting a door frame, the time is about 05 PM and my arms are not working properly just because of tiredness of work (i was almost working from 8 hours continously).

Hitting hammer on specific point of Chisel was mandatory. If it gets missed it will cause a big destruction.

OMG, destruction occurred. I hitted the hammer not on the Chisel but on the nail of my left hand thumb. Ufffffffff, what happened?.... Mason asked to me. Nothing, just hit my thumbnail with this big 5 kg hammer. Ohooo, this is not a good sign, let me see this, mason said......

Its normal nothing worst happened. (I replied to him, and i tried to keep my pain in secret, honestly i tried to hide from him, but he was experienced and he already got many wounds like this one)

Mason said, "this is just a new wound, and blood is inside, it will get freeze there. Actually it will make you cry in the night, let me make a whole to get the blood out from under the nail."

I refused and asked him it's normal, nothing to get worried about it. But, as time went on, and it was first night after that cruel hit by cruel Hammer, the pain started getting increased. (I didn't tell to my mother first but later on i explained everything). That pain was more than a breakup in love, that pain was more than a cheating in love affair, that pain was more than the pain you get by entering finger i door. The pain was more worse than a bullet from a pistol hits you.

I swear I didn't sleep that night even for a single minute. The pain was not only in the thumb, not in the whole hand not til the elbow but it covered the whole arm. I was finding no solution to this worst pain and was feeling so much helpless, i was crying with pain (although the screams were without my voice, just because of a phrase that "men never cry").

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I was out of my mind, my nail started getting black (blood was started getting in form of blood clots). As a result my whole night was like i am laying on a bed of thorns. Little bit movement of my hand and thumb causes waves of pain in whole arm from thumb to the shoulder. It was 3 AM of the night, when i was thinking to visit the doctor, but for living in a smaller city doctors here don't sit in their clinic for a whole night, well i wasn't sure about the doctor either he will be in the hospital or not.

Next day i visited to the doctor, he operated my thumb and took the nail out, and he asked my thumb will take time to have nail on it, it may take 3 months to get your nail complete.

Closings words

I will suggest you from my experience that, never work hard more than your capacity, otherwise you may experience an unbearable pain like me. Never compromise on your health and on your time.

Thanks for reading.

It took me three days to write this article, i am loosing my confidence in writing because algorithm is not detecting my content. Actually i need your guidance and support, please provide a sincere feedback if you like my content and support all writers here (including me) if we deserve support from our senior authors.

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1 year ago


Oh my God that was so painful. I hope your feeling better now. Anyway indeed, we shouldn't keep on pushing ourselves to work more than our capacity because it would only leave a bad result.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I have been harmed by an axe while cutting a tree, lol showing me these works involving dangerous tools are only for experienced people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We must be careful by doing such tasks for which we never get training. Then without safety measures and precautions it went more dangerous. Your experience is horrible but leaves a lesson for all of us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right dear amjad bhai... It gave me an unforgettable lesson for whole of my life,,,

$ 0.00
1 year ago