A blind boy was sitting in front of a big bank. He had a plate in front of him and a piece of paper in his hand, which read: 'I am blind, please help'.
Only a few pennies had accumulated on his plate all morning. A bank employee saw the blind man as he entered the bank. He took out his wallet, gave him some money, took the paper in his hand and wrote something on the back. He then handed it to the boy so that everyone could see the new writing.
Then, surprisingly, the amount of help from everyone increased. Many more people started helping the boy, his plate was also full. In the afternoon, the banker came out of his office to see the boy. Recognizing his throat, the boy asked him, ‘Are you the man who changed my writing? What did you write? '
The man said, ‘I also wrote the truth but in a different way. "Today has been a frustrating day for me, but I haven't seen it.
Two texts tell people that the boy is blind. But the first one just says that he is blind. But the second text tells people they are very lucky that they are not blind.
Be grateful to God for what you have. Learn to think in new ways, learn to think a little differently than everyone else but in a positive way. When life gives you a hundred reasons to suffer, show life that you also have a thousand reasons to be happy.