The end of the kerosene era in lighting

2 17
At one time kerosene was the only source of light in the house. A poem has also been written about the arrogance of kerosene: Over time, the various weasels of light have been dreaming of evolution, and now kerosene has become that pride.

The era of kerosene, which has been a source of light in households for 16 years, is coming to an end. The value of kerosene is running out. Even other uses of this combustible hydrocarbon type of liquid fuel oil are declining day by day. The use of kerosene cups, hijackers, torches, hurricanes is no longer noticeable. The houses in the village are now flashing electric and solar lights.

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Very interesting article for me. At future maybe we seen, we just ordered and light working. Hahaha 😁

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3 years ago

Times, they are a changing- as sung by a famous singer.

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3 years ago