Help! I'm all the more confused! Are Roman Catholics Wrong?

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2 years ago

'Truth Encounter'

So I have been going to church for over three months now. I love how they conduct their mass. They sing, they praise, they dance, they raise their hands in worship.

I became a member of their church instantly. I go there every Sunday. I also go there when there are activities to attend.

One time we were encouraged to undergo some let us say, softening of the heart. We underwent it and it felt great. It gave me headache but I became better with my sadness.

I said to myself that here now is the religion that I will follow forever and ever. No backsliding, no going back, no turning back...

But as a follow up to that activity of softening hearts, we will also undergo what they called as 'Truth Encounter.'

It was yesterday when we went to attend the truth encounter.

Afterwards, I became confused what to do.

During the Truth Encounter

During the truth encounter, they showed us what they claimed as true. First, they outrightly rebuked the rituals of the catholic church. Second, they showed a video of the crimes of the papacy before. Third, they showed us a list of religions that are not correct. Then we ended with a convention that we were not to say to others what we have learned as truths.

The thing is, I came from a catholic church but I never encountered such a session. I tried to research but to futile attempts. I became in doubt as to whether there is a perfect accounts of history or everything is fabricated. How many histories are there and how many are true and false?


All my life I've been raised by a devoted Catholics. They taught us everything that we have to learn. Until I came into the city and to cut the story short, I have not been attending mass. Up until I joined yet another religion and here we are at present with their so-called truth encounter.

I know I shouldn't be here telling all these. But I am very much confused.

Why did they have to show all those things, sabotaging the image of other religions? They told us that truth will set us free and that the truth hurts. So we shouldn't be surprised if we will be hurt by their revelations.

My other question is, why didn't they just proceed to teaching us the ways and that why did they have to mock other religions?

Honestly, I was so disappointed with what they showed us yesterday that I did not go to mass today. And I don't feel like going their again in the coming Sundays.

To save my face this morning, I told my fellow church goers in our area that we will be attending the online service. But really, we did not.


It should have been perfect if not for the truth encounter. Why really would they show us those things about Catholics and why would they list those religions that according to them are false religions? They would have done better telling us the truth on how to live.

I found it ironic that they have been using passages in the bible that I know that according to them still has already been amended in the new testament.

Now, I am all the more confused and I would like to pray for the truth to be revealed to me by God.

It's a crime to taunt but they did it anyway. I felt pressured by the way they conducted their discipleship.

Or maybe I am the one who is wrong here.


If you are a reader who is experienced with answering these questions, maybe you would want to help me? I am not a new user here in this platform but I just wanted to be clarified and using my main account would have sparked so many reactions from my party. Maybe, I am the one who should just believed so that I didn't have this confusion. But I just found it wrong, the approach they used on us yesterday.

  1. Are Roman Catholics wrong in their practices and rituals?

    • The memorized or repetitive prayer - is that wrong?

    • Mass for Dead Souls - is this wrong?

    • Souls Day - is this wrong?

    • Sign of the cross - is this wrong?

    • Palm Sunday - is this wrong?

    • Amen, according to how Catholics say it - is their way of saying it wrong?

    • Offering, according to how Catholics do it - is their way of offering wrong?

    • Mass only every Sunday - is it wrong if we just regularly go to mass?

    • Ash Wednesday - is it wrong?

    • Feast of Saints - is that a crime?

  2. Is it wrong to pray the Hail Mary?

  3. Is Santa Clause actually Satan?

  4. Is Easter Sunday wrong?

  5. Are we supposed to declare that other religions are wrong?

Please, if you have the expertise in this, enlighten us. But of course, this will be a long term study. I am currently researching but I have an achy head.

Again, I am not new here. I just wanted to have my questions answered. Thank you! God bless!

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2 years ago
