The reality behind the movie RRR which no one will tell you!

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2 years ago

There is so much hype around the movie RRR these days. The movie which was supposedly made with a 500 crore budget has already doubled it's money in two weeks which makes it double it's initial investment within about 2 weeks of the movie release and counting! The producers seem to be having a blast because a lot more money is expected to flow into this movie in the coming weeks and with the subsequent OTT releases. Today I will go over the reasons why the movie is such a hit despite being a very ordinary movie and how the people who made this movie have capitalized on all the right things to make it happen.

  • Lack of good content based movies in Bollywood. Like we all know, Bollywood and the Hindi movie industry is controlled by the Khan mafia and they have their own agendas for the destruction of India and it's culture case in point being the movie Raees where the supposedly "King Khan" (sarcasm very much intended) glorifies a real life criminal and make him a good person. The people of the north have had enough of this non sense. Just because the Khan/Kapoor klan have money, it doesn't mean they can brainwash people's minds this way. The people have just had enough.

  • SS Rajamouli has caught on the wave gathering the public sentiment very well and has started making movies which glorify India's rich cultural past but the irony here is that SS Rajamouli himself is not a very cultural and a religious man. You have to understand that he's a film maker and more than that, he is a business man. His intention is not to spread the good word, his intention is to just ride the wave and make some money.

  • There is a lot of misinformation on the internet that Jr.NTR knows Sanskrit shlokas and is an expert at them. I call horse crap on that and anyone who believes this kind of non sense is an idiot. He may know a couple of Shlokas at most but by no means he is an expert.

What everyone has to realize is that this gang is just good at exploiting the current trends. In fact SS Rajamouli is a self proclaimed athiest so him making certain types of movies on certain topics is a hypocrisy in itself. He is also hardly a nationalist like how his movies portray. In fact he would very much take the side of the tukde tukde gang if given a chance so think twice before supporting him.

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2 years ago
