What was my bakery like and why do I want one?

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3 years ago

I have recently stated my intention to create a true campaign to raise funds with the aim of being able to start a small bakery from my home. I got a couple of comments and between them from @wakeupkitty. I want to try to answer many of your questions through this article and it will also serve me for myself and to have things clearer in terms of how can my small bakery work at home?

I think the first thing to understand is the situation in Venezuela and my personal situation. Venezuela is a country with a politically, economically and socially weakened state. We are talking about a country that in recent years has emigrated more than 5 million people looking for a better life. Most of these people are young people. Hyperinflation, unemployment and destruction of the country's productive apparatus. It is the general situation of the country for years that over time has only worsened.

Many friends and family have emigrated, I could not because I do not have a passport. It is very expensive for me at the moment.

In Venezuela, there is also widespread corruption, which results in injustice when applying the law. In this context, you can basically have an informal business anywhere without much problem: without paying taxes or any other expense that a formal business deserves. At home, on the avenues, in the squares or simply walking on the sidewalks of any street. Of course, as long as it is not frowned upon by the government or some corrupt official tries to take advantage of the irregular situation of the business. Many Venezuelans in the midst of a pandemic have decided to start small sales from their homes to their neighbors as a way to overcome low incomes and hyperinflation. These businesses are just for daily living: candy sales, household items for retail, cakes ... among others. They are small sales to survive.

Well, now my economic situation does not escape all these realities that every Venezuelan lives. I am a 26 year old, until a few years ago I was still studying two university degrees and I tried to keep my days at university with one of these businesses: I sold sweets and bread to my friends from the university and to my neighbors. Until one day, hyperinflation simply ended all that: I went to restore my small inventory and everything was worth twice as much. Those times were very hard for me and my family, not only did I have to leave university, I also didn't have to eat at home. It was marked in my memories, three days when there was nothing to eat, I just went to the fridge to drink water and my mother, my brother and I did not talk to each other about anything. It was immensely sad. We were embarrassed to ask for help from our neighbors and family (how could we not be able to feed ourselves? The first time we went through such a situation), it was a great lesson for me: now when I need help I really ask for it, without feeling shame on nothing. And I tell you, if you need help do not hesitate to ask for it without fear or shame life is one and it is worth fighting for. Okay, keep going; Over time, I have realized that it did not just happen to us, many other Venezuelans went through those same bad days.

At that time I started working to bring food home, and I started in a restaurant as a kitchen assistant, washing potatoes and dishes. There I had my first close encounter with gastronomy. Since university days I have been interested in cryptocurrencies and thanks to my publications in YOURS and BCH, Steemit and Steem and other cryptos I was able to partially finance my studies as a cook. I could not finish them, however, it opened many doors for me to continue carving out a gastronomic career. The jobs here have always been poorly paid, in one of the best restaurants I managed to earn just $ 2 a month. For my last job, the salary was already better: I started with $ 40 per month until hyperinflation led me to earn $ 20. Before entering my last job, I started a bakery course and this one I did. In those days I was already planning to quit my job to start a bakery business at my home. It really is more profitable than working for a salary.

I've had different jobs as a cook

I have skipped many things that I could tell you about my condition, but here I will make a summary:

My name is RamΓ³n Oropeza, I am 26 years old and I still live with my mother. We live in a residential complex of lower-middle-class apartments. We can hardly pay for the maintenance of the common areas and pay for the necessary food. For several years now the refrigerator in my house stopped working and it has been impossible to buy another one or fix this one, my mother's car (Aveo Chevrolet 2005) has been damaged for 2 years and it has also been impossible to fix it (I wanted to sell it, but my mother refuses because they would pay very little for him). We have different problems in our apartment. With a paid job in Venezuela, I can't even dream of eating well, much less could I manage to pay to solve various problems. My mother also has health problems and I must buy her treatment (today she has not taken it for 5 days). Despite all this, I am grateful to life and to God for everything I have. I am a man who is in good mental and physical health who can do his job. I have the affection of my friends and family and I am very positive to achieve my goals in life. I still don't have a partner, but I want to have my own family.

My mother is the best thing I have in my life, she is my refuge and treasure.

Well, after this long but sincere introduction! Hahahaha I'll explain how, then, did my bakery work?

I will try to be brief. The lady who is still my business partner is also my neighbor and my friend. So we decided with the oven that at that time we had borrowed to do everything in her apartment. We had no table for kneading dough and bread, so I asked my mother for our borrowed dining table as well. The trays we used are on loan. Several of the instruments were borrowed from friends and family. Our only thing was a bowl and a scale.

Everything was handled by both of them. However, the leader was me. She learned everything from me. Instead, I learned a lot of order and discipline from her. Great virtues. The administrative part and the purchases I did. Many times I had to go shopping walking carrying kilos of materials on my back. Later, I got a good supplier once we had enough money to make big purchases. This was done only one day a week (Monday) to ensure all production for the week. We work from Wednesday to Sunday, Mondays were shopping days and Tuesdays were rest. She arranged everything for bread and maintenance and also wrote down bread reservations. Between the two of us we sent messages to sell the bread. I kneaded and baked everything. She helped me form and organize the packages to distribute. I would distribute them once I baked all the breads. I distributed all the breads at dinner time.

We managed to buy several things together: 2 baking sheets, 2 scales, 2 bowls, a rolling pin. We increase inventory and sales. All this thanks to a lot of sacrifices. Basically, we only got a small salary and I was reinvesting the profits. Until my friend's friend asked us for the oven back. There everything went to the ground.

In short, all this worked in a small room in a 70-square-meter apartment. With many borrowed and household instruments. We made between 400 and 500 loaves a week. And the earnings were $ 15 to $ 20 a week. Of course, this thanks to many convenient factors: it is our home (we do not pay rent or taxes), gas and water are cheap (although there is a gas shortage at certain times in the fifth country in gas reserves, this problem is often solved buying on the black market).

In short, my dream is to build a real bakery from below with my work. The impulse that I hope to obtain is to start from my house and progress at my own pace in time. To grow the bakery while I can give my family a better life. Simple dreams of youth ...

the image I designed for the bakery.

Thanks for reading, do not hesitate to write any comment and express your opinion.

$ 2.69
$ 2.00 from @tula_s
$ 0.69 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for ramonoropeza
3 years ago


I wonder why the oven was asked back. It sounds to me you are organized but in the long term, it won't work if you do this alone and increase the amount of work.

From @gertu I already understood home business is a better way to earn. I wonder why people still spend money on buying bread from you if they can make it themselves or eat something else.

If I understand it well the first thing you need to at least earn a bit is an oven? What does an oven cost? You need to come with a budget if you like people to sponsor you.

I like the design of your image.


$ 0.00
3 years ago

The return of the oven is a very particular story of the Venezuelan case. The fact is that the lady who owns the oven belongs to and runs a neighborhood organization associated with the Venezuelan government party. This fact gave her the opportunity to make her own bakery in her neighborhood. This is a government program to fight poverty. The idea was to form small production centers within the neighborhoods and to be administered by themselves and thus guarantee food and economic well-being with these small, self-sustaining production centers. The government would be in charge of technically training and advising people and supplying both economic and raw material resources. Thanks to this, Ms. receives bakery flour at a price well below the market as long as she is producing. But this program like everyone else in the government is corrupted. Sacks of flour at very low prices are resold by officials and some beneficiaries of the program to other commercial bakeries at a slightly higher price, but still lower than conventional market flours. This fact makes producers like Ms. Del oven receive this flour in an irregular time, it really is very rare when it receives it. That is why at that time we offered to make a bakery without depending on the government, but she did not accept, just because of her friendship with my accepting partner, to loan us the oven. Until she asked us back because the government inspected her and if she had no way to produce more, she would not deliver more subsidized flour, she gave in to this, which for me is blackmail by the officials. Basically, we returned the oven so that Mrs. would not lose her quota of flour in the government program. Well I guess not everyone has the time and knowledge to bake bread at home. It's like asking, why do people shop at McDonald's if they can make better burgers at home? It is a service. I'm working on that budget to start looking for sponsorship or donors to make my family and mine's lives a little better. Not only would you need an oven, but other things as well. I know that I cannot do everything alone if I want to go far, I would work with my brother to achieve growth goals.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

An interesting story the one about the flour. Ms. only collects the flour now or does she bake too?

You go to McDonald's if you can afford it. If you have nothing you make your own burger if you can buy a burger at all.

I understand you will not continue with the neighbor friend and your brother takes her place.

You can make a very long list with all those things you need or start with that oven and start working = earning.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I really don't know how the owner of the oven is. I do not know if he is producing or only receives the flour and also resells it. I don't know, a few days ago I asked my friend about her and she said that her cell phone was damaged. MY brother will be my assistant especially in the administrative and sales part. I would be in charge of producing the bread and keeping the areas clean. At first I need several more things than just the oven. I am already working on my proposal. I hope it is well received, I really want to work and make my life go better. Thanks for keeping in touch with me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I keep my fingers crossed for you. πŸ‘πŸ€

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice post

$ 0.00
3 years ago