Photoshop contest By Cain.

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4 years ago

@Cain is a great user and promoter of BCH. He recently published an article where he shows his creation of in Photoshop. His creation was inspired by realizing the differences between the BCH and BTC logos, while the BCH logo looks relaxed and chillin, the BTC logo looks downcast and hunched like an old man. He shows us his creation and challenges the Read.Cash community to create the BTC version.

My creation has been relatively quick and I have been inspired a bit by Cain's own suggestions. I call him "The Uncle BTC". This is the guy who causes problems in the family and no one sympathizes with his heaviness. It is old and slow, and is not sympathetic to updates and thinks it is worth gold! Hahaha I hope it is to your liking, luck to those who are competing and thanks to Cain for making me have fun for a moment, I have enjoyed it and it has given me an idea ... I hope to have it with you soon.


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4 years ago


That is great! But it really needs a walking cane

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4 years ago

Hahahaha yes, it's hard for him to walk! Let's see who does it!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I agree with Koush. Needs a walking cane.

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4 years ago

Without the cane, it looks like a War Veteran though. Seems silly.

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4 years ago