I keep practicing.

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4 years ago

I keep writing freely. It's a bit tricky the first few times. It is also complicated when you must translate all your words into English with the google translator. This makes me write a little bit like a robot or something similar. Because if not, the translator does not say what I want to say and changes my words. I pause a bit and keep writing. For the contest you have to use some words and a specific theme, here I only go against the music that I have set as a timer. Words get stuck, but more are ideas that get stuck. Perhaps you are close to writing a great work or being a great failure. I do not know. I go little by little, I write as fast as my thoughts allow me, my day has been exhausting. I am still looking to raise the money for my cell phone, but I can only bring food to my house. The mask to be worn must have been marked on my face due to the intense sun it has been doing. I was left with nothing to say, I don't want to continue talking about myself for a while. Or as I write these words. In my next attempt I will use a specific topic for now I just type words that derive from my thoughts about writing. That is what I do, it is my theme. Write freely. With music, I stopped and the ten minutes are almost up. So the last thing I will write will be my farewell until a next attempt to be free, to write freely.

$ 0.51
$ 0.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.25 from @Koush
Sponsors of ramonoropeza


Practice makes perfect, it's interesting to see your determination in getting better

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for your comment! You give me a lot of encouragement to continue on my way! We must be persistent and constant to achieve our goals!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If it comes to translating I figured out short sentences work best. Next translators have a hard time if it comes to translating the words: "he" and "she" and "it" "his" and "her" "child" and "boy" and "girl" So if you can avoid these words it looks quiet well.

You are doing well and at times freewriting looks like this and at times like a complete article. Trigger yourself with a topic and some words, you can think about it while you do something else. Once you start writing your head is filled with thoughts. I hope you get that phone sooner than expected but food is already a great start. 👍🍀

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you very much for your advice and motivation !! I have learned to use the correct ways to make translations work well. However, it is always my biggest fear: not expressing myself correctly due to the translation.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You figured it out and it looks fine. 👍

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your attempts are getting better even when they're translated though. Try reading more to get more writing styles, hopefully

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I really appreciate your words, thank you very much!

$ 0.00
4 years ago