Do you want to be a Great Chef? you must have these 5 qualities.

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4 years ago

In order to become a great cook, it is necessary to possess several qualities. It is worthless to be a magnificent chef if you do not have certain values. Conversely, a little apprentice can become a great cook just because of his or her attitudes and skills and discipline.

The chef must be characterized by maintaining great discipline and passion for what he does. The cook's job is to make art to a large extent. Well, it must delight the senses of diners. Here I will introduce 5 qualities that a chef must have to achieve this goal.


Every cook must carry with him being clean, educated, maintaining his composure, being disciplined, passionate and enterprising. Here are five qualities that summarize the good behavior of a cook:

  • Attitude and aptitude: the cook must show passion for the profession through his constant participation and learning. It is his duty to stay in permanent learning with his colleagues. Willing to participate in all kitchen activities from preparing a dish to cleaning and keeping the establishment tidy.

  • Neatness: Having an impeccable presence. Nowadays it is common to see cooks in dark colored uniforms, although it may be for fashion, it can also become a bad habit to cover their dirt. You must keep both the work area clean and your personal cleanliness: short nails, short beard or gathered hair, clean hands and impeccable uniform. This guarantees a very good impression from diners. As well as the management of hygiene and food safety standards.

  • Organized: Keeping order in each of the activities you do in the kitchen is key to success. Preparing a good mise en place for each area and food guarantees speed in serving the dishes in order to meet the times promised to the clientele. You should also be interested in managing good resources in order to give better returns to the restaurant.

  • Responsibility: The prestige of the restaurant where he works depends on the cook, which is why he must have a great sense of responsibility. Being punctual and complying with each of the activities in the kitchen and being a good companion and achieving teamwork is essential to be a good cook.

  • Entrepreneur: this quality is very important in the success of any chef, the desire to excel, not being afraid to express his creativity and push his kitchen to new horizons, adding new dishes and new techniques. Providing knowledge and not stopping learning, continue to specialize in various areas. Seeking improvement while being perfectible.

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4 years ago


Thank you very insightful

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very interesting.. I like what you said... Thank you for your information..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Cooking is an art. You need to be passionate. Patience brings the best result in cooking foods tasty and healthy.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Those qualities mentioned are very key for a successful Chef. Nobody would like to eat from a dirty and ill-mannered Chef.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I want to cook for my family, i think some quality such as patient, love for cooking is necessary to have in a person If they want to a great chef.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very interesting and educative. You must be a great chef, looks like you own your own restorant? It is a good work dear. Keep it up and maybe one day i will have a taste of your food

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I also love cooking.. But loving cooking and being chef is two different things... All the Best for you. Nice article by the way

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Cooking is so interesting for me....I think this is an art... every people can not do this art perfectly...for success they should be patience...

$ 0.00
4 years ago