COVID-19 Venezuela | I challenge you to make bread at home. GUIDE

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4 years ago

Amazing my people, life is amazing. I have been trying to get out of an economic crisis for more than six years. And at the moment when I start a microenterprise in the country with the highest hyperinflation in history, in the midst of an economic, political and social crisis. COVID-19 arrives to restart our lives.

In the case of Venezuela, COVID-19, is accompanied by a severe shortage of gasoline throughout the Venezuelan territory. My suppliers have not been able to fill their gasoline tanks and be able to work. I am running out of cash flow to replenish inventory. This before the impotence of staying at home. Without doing anything. Quarantined

I am not afraid of the future. I have been through so many difficulties that this is just one more line for a tiger.

Today, I want to challenge you to make bread at home. My delicious sweet muffins. I want them to be motivated if they are quarantined to work their own patience and know the magic of making bread. And forget all this for a moment.

Important information to make bread: In this process you must have patience in the kneading and in the fermentation. You must do it by hand to make the challenge more interesting. Everything is weighed and you should not use more or less than what is indicated in the recipe. For example: 50 grams of egg is 50 grams of egg, it does not matter if you have left over or missing. If you have leftover, you reserve it to varnish and if you lack you open another egg to complete and the rest you reserve to varnish. This recipe works for 20 buns of 70 gram.

Necessary utensils:

  • weighing machine.

  • Baking sheet.

  • Bowl.


  • Wheat flour: 800 grams.

  • Water: 320 grams.

  • Instant yeast: 16 grams.

  • Salt: 9 grams.

  • Eggs: 50 grams.

  • Butter: 49 grams.

  • Sugar: 160 grams.

  • Powdered milk: 10 grams.

  • Vanilla essence: 5 grams.


Mise en place: Weigh the ingredients one by one. Have an individual container for each one.

Mise En Place

Dough: In a large bowl, mix in this order: flour, yeast, sugar, milk powder and salt. Always mix. Add the water, eggs, vanilla essence and finally the butter. Mix until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Kneading: having the dough, you have to continue kneading until you form a smooth and homogeneous dough. No lumps. This process can take from 15 to 20 minutes depending on the skill of each person. So if you take 30 minutes don't feel bad. At the end you must form a ball and go to the next step.

First fermentation: Here you will do nothing, just let the dumpling grow double or triple. You must be patient. Fermentation is a very important and characteristic factor of good bread. This process is directly related to time and temperature. At a temperature ambient of 24 ° C to 28 ° C it can double or triple its size in one hour or hour and a half. You must then have as a reference that it must grow double or triple.

Formation and Second Fermentation: Degas. For the formation I leave the following video as a guide. However, another option is to form balls and make two incisions forming a cross and thus make the traditional shape of the pineapples. Then, place the bread rolls on a previously greased tray. And leave to ferment until it doubles in size. In Venezuela it takes approximately 1 hour or an hour and a half at room temperature (24 to 30 degrees Celsius).

Baking: Pre heat the oven. When the masses have doubled or tripled. Before entering the oven: have an egg ready to varnish with a kitchen brush and sugar to sprinkle on the doughs to taste. Bake at 180 ° Celsius until they turn golden. Approximately between 15 to 20 minutes. Something to take into account is to move the tray so that the baking is as uniform as possible, a rule for this is to move the tray once one side of the tray is more golden than the other.

Cooling: It is important to let the breads cool to room temperature. This is important for a better digestion of the bread.

Once ready, take a photo and share it with us and see what you are capable of in this situation. Tell about your bread-making experience and how you feel about it. This situation must bring out the best in us and far from fainting, we must maintain ourselves with strength and hope for a promising future. If you want you can contact me to learn how to make and better breads. Or just comment if you want me to keep sharing recipes. Thank you!!

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4 years ago


Siga adelante panita! sabemos que está difícil la situación allá por Venezuela y hay que buscar otras fuentes de ingresos ademas de la que ya tenemos, saludos y éxitos!

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4 years ago

Excelente! De dónde nos escribes?

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4 years ago


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4 years ago