Chronicle of a sale. (Advance on my cell phone, Come on !!)

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Avatar for ramonoropeza
4 years ago

Since I lost my cell phone I have been focused on getting money for a new one and with enough technology to make the most of it. The Read.Cash community has been the protagonist in this story and I know that it will end successfully. Among the things I have done to collect the money ($ 100 USD) was to sell a Canaima tablet (A Tablet that I received in my student days). I received $ 20 USD in cash for it, but the history of this sale has several characteristics that you only find in Venezuela.

I started by offering the Tablet in sales groups on Facebook. I always knew that it would not take long to sell this Tablet, because it is widely used in Venezuela due to the massive distribution that the government made. My Tablet had several problems, the volume button stuck, the USB connector is not working and the most serious is the touch screen does not work. I always offered the Tablet to repair or to be used as a spare. Nor did it give me an opportunity to erase my data within it because I had no access.

Well, as soon as I made the publication I started receiving many notifications that never materialized. Until the next day, very late at night, a boy writes to me, who in his profile says his name is Victor. He said he was very interested but he only had $ 20 USD. I was offering it for $ 25 USD. I was very clear with Victor about the state of the Tablet and he told me that it was fine, that he wanted it. However, he lives far from the city center just like me. At this point he said he would check with his partner to confirm the sale. At this time I assumed that we would not make the sale because it is common to run away from negotiations with that "I will tell you" argument. 3 days passed and he had not written to me, confirming my theory, but that same day he wrote to me very late at night. I wonder if it was still available and if we could meet the next day to do the business. Without much thought, I said yes. That we meet in the center of the city in a renowned shopping center. He said it was okay, to give him a phone number to call me, so I sent him my brother's (who lent me his cell phone to go to the appointment). That boy doesn't have a cell phone either, so I should always have waited for his call.

We both had to make short trips to get to the meeting point. In my case I was lucky, thank God. While walking towards the center of my city (about 20 or 30 minutes on foot) a friend who just filled up his fuel after 4 days at the station, saw me and took me to the bus stop that goes to the other city ​​(where the sale would be made, at a distance of 10 to 15 minutes by car). The bus was leaving, so it didn't take me long to take it and this bus left me two blocks from the shopping center where I would meet Victor. I waited for over an hour and a half. I thought about many things, for a moment I thought that it was a joke and that I had been summoned there only so that I would go to that place, it was a possibility since I had not confirmed the identity of Victor or added him as my friend in Facebook. After a while, I was also very hungry and I can't even afford to have coffee on the street. He was desperate and Victor did not appear.

Finally, I received the call from Victor, he told me that he was already at the meeting place. I was close, for my safety I was not there. When we met, I realized that Victor is a guy with a noble personality, he likes to fix electronic devices and that's why I'm interested in my Tablet. I pay with a cash of $ 10 USD and 10 of $ 1 USD. He also told me how he got there. He had to take a bus to the city terminal and from there walk to the shopping center (that's about 30 to 45 minutes). So Victor was not lucky. On the way back to my house it was just as fast, on the bus I met a person who was waiting for him at the bus stop to take him by car to our neighborhood. I was really lucky this time and I am getting closer to the goal.

It is incredible what we Venezuelans have to go through to do things as simple as moving from one place to another or even communicate. Add to that, that we are in the midst of the COVID19 crisis and the order is to be home before 5:00 PM.

Thanks to all who have been with me in this story, if you want to help me complete the goal of $ 100 USD we are closer, only $ 60 USD is missing. I am very excited and it is thanks to you because when I wrote the first article I was so frustrated and sad. And here I have found great people with a sincere heart who have supported me. I will never tire of thanking God for life and for you !!

$ 1.00
$ 1.00 from @bitcoin
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Avatar for ramonoropeza
4 years ago


Wow what I do you know why this place is a great way to get the best of luck and enjoy your favourite 6 PM in your favourite countryfor and comment on. I think the room 5 AM was awesome but it awesome

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I believe that your story will admire so many people. Good to see that you can get what you deserve :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The goal will be realised very soon I believe that. Just keep working on it and don't give up.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I believe that your story will admire so many people. Good to see that you can get what you deserve :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you, I would really love to be an inspiration to other people. And so we can help many people.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Donnobad lekhok k etu sundor akti story amader maje share korar jonno. Asa kori aro valo valo story amra dhekte pabo. Thank you so much.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

পড়ার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ। আপনার শুভেচ্ছার জন্য ধন্যবাদ. এছাড়াও, আমি আপনাকে আপনার জন্য মঙ্গল কামনা করি। আমার শুভেচ্ছা!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you very much to the @Read.Cash team, getting closer! It is difficult to imagine how with other kinds of money I can do what can be done with Bitcoin Cash: I already have 20 $ USD in Cash in just one day. The procedure I applied to make the change is the one I explained in one of my articles! I know that things will gradually improve for everyone and @Read.Cash is already part of those changes!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

No matter what, never give up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article.. You are very creative Keep the straight up. It is well

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So sad,your phone was brooked...But thank you for sharing this with be continue

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Is really great that the people is sharing all the things that life, this help much to the people to take care with the things on the futurel.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well, is good the content that you share sr Ramon Oropeza, i like the content and some pictures that you are sharing before. so, thanks and continue you work

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Gracias Gabriel! Intento hacer lo mejor en cada publicación y tambien estoy aprendiendo mucho sobre Bitcoin Cash en este proceso!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow good for you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow I'm happy for you, that your goal will be materialized soon. Read cash is awesome for upvoting you $20. Kind-hearted people are also a lot here. If I had the money I will upvote you but sad thing, I'm also new here and I also don't have work hihihi.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you! Don't worry, your words of support are enough for me! My sincere wish for everything to improve soon for everyone!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes I wish everyone is having great experience on Read cash. I'm happy for you seeing your upvotes getting higher. Just continue to do your piece you'll get rewarded more soon..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow great...your article is very interesting. Your article is very important. Your upovote was great. Keep it's writing.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thats ridiculous

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your writing is great. Please keep sharing your stories with us. And I hope you reach your goal soon. Curious how do you convert the BCH to the $100 you need for a phone? Trade locally? Exchange? ATM?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you very much @Cain, I know I will achieve this goal soon. And it's great that the Read.Cash community is a part of this. In a previous article, I explained how I do that exchange. Here I leave it my friend!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are clearly lucky to live in a country willing to pay $20 for a broken old tablet without guarantee. You will not find anyone willing to pay that over here. Tablets are not used much these days. Clearly on their return. I prefer my phone I hope you have yours soon.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It is true, but it is rather unfortunate that in this country someone pays for a tablet in these conditions and that the same "new" tablet costs twice as much. When the objective of said tablet was to generate technological access to all the students of the country. And it ended up being the way of survival for many people by selling it. And the supply and demand for this tablet sets the price. For me it is very sad that this happens in my country. Good luck to you who can live from your work with dignity, I work a lot, I have had to work for more than 15 hours a day for a salary of $ 20 a month (and that because they were two different jobs). I'm not offended by your comment, friend, but everything has its raison d'être, and that's the way it is here, unfortunately ...

$ 0.00
4 years ago