Mad world (Random Thoughts).

8 171

These are just random thoughts not making any point or want to prove something but all these thoughts spinning in head and I had to get them out. Many can agree many can disagree.

Can we stand as a humanity ever ? It is not possible we have built in system and it can't be undone.

I agree Govt's are bad all around the world but what can we do ? I really liked the idea of no government should exist people should have there weapons protect themselves & families.They can live in complete harmony but is it really possible? Lets imagine Govt's no more exists everyone is on their own a town with 100 families with gold and silver as medium of exchange. Everyone doing there own work and living a happy life . Two families had a dispute over a land and they fight over it Family A have a great social circle they influence 15 families to support them . Family B have a small social circle they influence 5 family to support them. They had a little battle and great numbers wins . Now these 15 families formed a alliance and now they are strong among 100 families . People started came to them for resolving dispute . Power drawn them mad and they start to be unjust with others. Remaining 85 families are now oppressed and 15 families are oppressors. Family B find a cause against them for revenging and they started to form a revolutionary alliance against them soon 85 families took over them and now 85 families formed a alliance with 85 members who vote for every decision that have to be done for community. Cycles goes on and we are back to government again . Same cycle started again after centuries people started to realize again governments are bad and they should not exist. :) . So what Choice we really have?

We as a human waste our food every day don't tell me you never have to through any food in trash because it was no good to eat . We do it regularly and these collective waste of our can feed starving people around the world . But can this ever be done ?
No it can't because we are root cause of this thing and believe me we can't change no matter if you donate for starving people . If you are running campaigns for them, we can't stop to buy and cook food that we don't need. When we know better that if we as a human race limit to buy and cook only that what we need it can help a dramatic decrease in food cost all around the world and can be easily accessible for those who are starving . As good as this idea sounds as impossible is to do that because greed and fear are engraved in us and it can't be remove. We buy and cook food extra every day so it should not be less and we don't care about excess .

And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very very
Mad world, mad world

We say 1% elite are responsible for all root cause of evil,misery in this world. Keep your hand on your heart and tell me don't you want to rich like this 1%? If answer is yes then why to blame them? They done what everyone wants to achieve they are crazy rich and if you given a chance to replace them you and I will not think for a blink of eye and will say yes. You will be enjoying this business of medicines , weapons and deadly industries . Who dont love to make money? let's face reality we all are same breed filled with greed.

"No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come"

Bitcoin revolutionize the world. It was against the system it meant to disrupt the industry of printing fancy paper and making it valuable . With the unspoken slogan of "Power back to people" . Does this really happened? I don't disagree that this is revolutionary thing happen to this world but can you say it is solving this problem? Giving power back to people ? . People just took it as a tool for become quick rich and once greed drives their minds more greedy people stepped in bought rapidly increasing it price up-to 20 k and when FOMO comes on it peaks they profited over people who had fear to be missed out . The intentions of BTC were pure but we cant control Greedy people for making profit on pure things even they don't left Holier things to become crazy rich .

This is what we really are I and you can't change anything we as a Human are destined to destroy this planet and we all are on path of it . The more we are becoming advance they more we are getting quicker to destroy Earth and soon we will reach moon or mars to destroy that to . I think we are the disease and viruses and we multiplied our self that much that planet immune system no matter whatever it do can't get rid of US not even in form of Covid-19 .

And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very very
Mad world, mad world
Enlarge your world
Mad world

$ 0.50
$ 0.50 from @quest
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Prithi bita gul.amra prithir modde bas kori. Amader prithibi onk sundor.prithibir opore akhas abong niche mati ace. Akashe kew jete pare na

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So difficult to have a world that even no one know you that you exists.. Such a mad world or the world ianwrong which it is...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

really mad world

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hey man. We can each ourselves try to leave this world better than we found it. I know you try to do that. When I get down, sometimes I watch this to remind me that changing humanity will take thousands of years. In the meantime, we can work toward improving ourselves and our society, at least a little shorter time scale.

If readcash removes that link, you can search youtube for "Carl Sagan We humans are capable of greatness"

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hey bro, very good article, i hope the better for u and u friends, i really think that the life is a good way and that God bless us life on every moment, take a good day my friend!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The power of fools and will begin to be unfair to others. . . . This is what happens in people who do not have the love of God in their hearts and the power hurts them

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We just have to do better on our own, to live peacefully and in harmony. You cannot take down government and it cannot be taken away, as it is also allowed by God.

$ 0.00
4 years ago