How to Join and Use for earning BCH.

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Written by
4 years ago

Welcome to the First of all You have to register your self in this website it is quit simple but let me explain this to you all who are here for first time. See this image You will find "Register" button in right corner of screen.IF you are mobile user look below images.

Click this menu bar and click register.

Click understood, agreed

Fill the form

Once done you will get this message upon clicking on next you will get a seed phrase save it some where safe by copying it to notepad or writing it down physically in your diary because these are access words of your wallet in case if you want to login with another browser you will need them.

IT's done now you are registered on Now you can start writing and can earn tips if your writing is liked by other members . For these you can look up for articles and can get idea.

How to write ?

Click the menu bar and you will get this menu again tap on write you will be redirected to new page.

Here as you can see theirs a place for title of your article and then down below you can write your article . on option one you can add topics which will help your content to be known in specific category. in second option you have to add image related to your article an in language section you have to select language in which you are writing. Once done tap on publish and a new menu will appear which will ask in which section you think your article belongs choose one relevant option from their . Now your article is published.

How to view articles you wrote?

Tap on menu and tap on your articles here you can find all articles you wrote.

How to know you get tipped?

You will get notification see image below

If this bell icon is red its mean you got notification and with that on right hand side you can see amount you have . You can withdraw any amount you want at any time you want. So Enjoy write good and get tipped from people who will enjoy your write up.

$ 0.10
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Written by
4 years ago


Well .but tell me about earning more points in a day .i am not getting much points .so help me to get points .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the guild line. It will really help those new comers and those who want to invite their friends

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good info

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago