HomoDeus and Decentralized A.I

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4 years ago

I hope you know the term "Home Deus" if you are a fan of Yuval Noah Harari and if you never heard of it let me explain it for you, Home Deus is evolved version of Homo sapiens which translate into human Gods, Harari explains how Techno revolution or A.I revolution is on its way and despite the Industrial revolution, it will change the world in a way that those who will be left behind won't be able to cope up with it. which will create a new class "useless class" and what this useless class does he has no idea about it. This class will not only be created in third world countries but also first world countries like the USA, Sweden, Australia, and the UK. According to him Artificial intelligence and automation will wipe out almost all jobs and all the wealth will be redirected to people who control the big giant's companies and they will be creating a sort of new religion Techno religion. Which will be coming from Silicon Valley, First world government can regulate these companies by imposing huge taxes on them in their countries and giving benefits to jobless people. This will create an equilibrium of society but this new revolution will affect third world countries harder than any other country India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and my own country Pakistan. People who own this advanced computing power, technological masterpiece, and will be providing for others will be HomoDeus.

If you are a follower of latest technology you should know we are seeing this happening all around us if I say maybe there are 80% of chances that how Harari describe future it has to come as it is I won't be wrong, there is debate whether A.I will sweep old jobs and create new ones or it will take over the all of the jobs. I am not up for debate my simple point for that is the speed we are moving towards technology the person who spent his 10-15 years of his life in mastering a skill won't be able to cope up with any new skill that fast yes some people will advance but it will be a very small percentage of the population, there will be useless class.

After reading Harari books and listening to him for hours I felt something was missing in his talks when he talks about advancement of technology and technological revolution, He was pointing out correctly that these big corporate giants will be HomoDeus but natural law of equilibrium always comes into action on such events my question was what is the alternative? What alternative thing will give a chance to other humans to be a part of this revolution? whether they will be a small percentage of participants but there is always a chance to fight back.

And that's was it Harari was missing out a whole part of the technological revolution of 21st Century we jump to machine learning to deep learning, But We also were able to pull out the thing which was considered as an impossible thing to achieve we built the decentralized economy. Although it is small right now compare to the whole world being its participant but we are the IDEA against the horror that has to come. Imagine if I being the citizen of third world country can actively contribute to this decentralized network so what will happen after 5 years? a huge population of my country will be a participant in this.

I read some ideas about creating decentralized A.I. I am not a programmer I am a digital marketer, content creator, data analyst, and Technology student. I have some ideas about how decentralized A.I could work or how it can be initiated as it can serve masses. Let's talk about ideas with current mainstream things we have within our Bitcoin cash community. SLP tokens are the way out which enables almost anybody to create a token base on BCH blockchain, So we built an AI base on SLP tokens which allow A.I to be able to communicate humans VIA blockchain, Now what AI do let us say we were able to build an advance A.I which can help anyone with any digital task even act as a psychiatrist, teacher, travel guide, assistant or any possible job, the one who want to get benefited by this A.I will have to pay it in specific SLP tokens Vice versa when A.I tends to take payments it should be two way The one way is simple those who give power to A.I they will get their fair share from this, Right now SLP don't need any computing power but when A.I is implemented it will need a power may be in future BCH blockchain can decide how to do that. Another way out will be needs of A.I yes A.I did this much works will have another need beside computing power and that would be need of Data and its validation, and in this part humans from all around the world come in to be able to get their fair share in the program AI doing these many tasks will create chaos which will be resulting many to lose their job, So this A.I will start a reward program in collecting the data around the world and in return, it will give a reward in SLP to people who will help it, Third way out will be it will be giving SLP to those who help it to maintain.

Right now the terms crowdsourcing and data collection are being abused by giants of tech world our whole profiling data is being sold to advertisers and we are a victim of data abuse and we are not getting anything in return of it I hope this technological revolution will be are saviors if we steer it in a way of decentralized successfully.

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Written by
4 years ago


Also, I absolutely love the graphic of the half AI/half biological brain. It's a great image that perfectly reflects what you are trying to convey here. Great way to use the banner image to represent the content inside.

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Great topic. I wonder, though, when you mention the "useless class," if the possibility of an eventual AI singularity event does ever come to pass, if such a sentient AI would just consider all humans unnecessary and, thus, a useless class? What are your thoughts on this?

$ 0.00
4 years ago