Community Action needed!! Scamming people in the name of BCH airdrop.

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Written by
4 years ago

Yesterday while Searching for BCH related material on google I came across the youtube channel video Titled "Bitcoin Cash CEO Roger Ver LIVE 100.000 BCH Airdrop and announce BCH blockchain update". It was interesting title So clicked the link and saw a channel named bitcoin cash playing Roger Ver old video live and in description they are scamming people by saying Send x amount of bch to this address and you will get X amount of BCH in return I put this channel on memo cash to get reported but again today I saw the same channel playing same live video and Sadly 1431 people are watching it right now while exploring video I found out they are playing video continuously 24 hour Down below is Screen shot of channel as it is right now .

The address which is mention in video is " qznu897hwt0zgd7feeas7ca4uhrrdxuqtghdvn77ak"

upon inspecting address I found out 41.755 BCH were send to this address down below is screen shot

Means 41.75 BCH were scammed from innocent people I urged you all to report this channel and help us stop these frauds. I know people who are victim are first to be blamed but what so ever as a community we have responsibility if we see something like that we should take action for our Pride I am putting link down below of channel please report this channel and make them shut with that share this article so people can be aware of this type of fraud which often confuse this type of things as real because of Roger Ver known generosity Thank you .
Scam channel link :

$ 0.20
$ 0.10 from @Read.Cash
$ 0.10 from @btcfork
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Written by
4 years ago


Actually they create HUNDREDS of these channels, no matter how many you report.

Frankly almost any "airdrop" or "giveaway" in crypt is likely a scam. Especially if you need to send money to someone - then it's definitely a scam.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yes but the one I reported is biggest of them all and have a huge audience other just trying to scam where they are really scamming look it up and you can understand :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Be aware though that scammers are inflating "watching" numbers to make it look like a lot of people agree and also send their own money to deposit address to make it look like people are sending money. Just something to keep in mind. But yes, keep up the fight!

$ 0.01
4 years ago

While I know there is no real way of stopping these things, I went and reported them (after doing my own investigation, ofc).

$ 0.00
4 years ago