Classic Pump & dump and BSV

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4 years ago

Pump & Dump is a classic form of scam Which involves artificially inflating price of asset and then make a profit on it when common public get into it. In case of BSV if anyone can see the case of claiming to be a Satoshi  Nakamoto  and then news of almost proving it legally and with that news which is obviously false  Craig wright created a Drama involving some big fish in it for making BSV prices spike to skies and with that he created Fear of missing out FOMO effect on crypto market making every one believe it is a right time to get in Bitcoin so called “Satoshi vision” or it will be late we saw this happening before with Bitcoin when prices got high till November and reached to almost 20 k and when fall happen it left many new investors small investors in a huge loss.

Same thing is happen to BSV right now They created false news, They created FOMO and they put in a lot of money with their big fishes friends which is leading many new small investors in believing that this is a right time if they missed it their won’t be another chance with that they are claiming to have smooth process and transaction which was obviously created Chaos in 2017 on BTC network so portraying their selves as a winner I am afraid that soon they will be leaving Thousands of new investors in vain .

On Other sides BCH is following its ideology and moving gradually towards its goal with no artificial interference which can lead people to be left in dangerous situation. Once BSV artificial charm is ended people will left with no other choice then BCH whose goals are clearer and for a better future on the core ideology of BTC . People often ask me Why I changed my self from pro BTC to pro BCH and I answer them it’s not the coin I follow its ideology. BTC is not any more of what it should be and BCH is everything and more than BTC should be .

$ 0.25
$ 0.10 from @Read.Cash
$ 0.10 from @btcfork
$ 0.05 from @ZeusOnPills
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This really needs dots. It's really hard to read a text without any dots.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wrote this just in one shot after reading all the news and stories.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Why don't you edit it? It's not like it's unchangeable...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I basically agree with what you are saying, but, it is not the buying/pumping up and selling that makes BSV a scam. If it was, BCH would also be a scam. It is the lying or misleading about the value of the asset that makes it a scam. I think BSV has a tiny army of liars working for it and that makes it a scam. BCH is working to become peer-to-peer electronic cash for the world's people and is a good coin even if pumped. BTC is scammy and dishonest, but, the "owners" of it's centralized development are probably careful to not outright lie or be connected to their army of lying trolls (social engineering agents). Scams are fraud and I hope the perpetrators get prosecuted eventually.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Exactly that's the point that's how Pump and dump works put money in Spread rumors, tell people How they are going to be missing this by Creating FOMO.

$ 0.01
4 years ago