BCH adoption and Read.cash affiliate .

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Written by
4 years ago

I wanted to write an article about, How we can make masses towards BCH adoptions. I wanted to create some new Idea and share with community for that I started to look up for ongoing things which are very helpful for community to get BCH adoption from common public. While thinking for any new idea it suddenly struck me. Why to reinvent the wheel?.

I was thinking about an idea which includes giving common people some incentives some chunks in return of their effort so they can use BCH. This type of projects falls into "Incentive theory". Incentive theory is one of the major theories for motivations. The theory suggest that a human behaviour is motivated by a desire of incentive. This how human brain works look your surroundings you will find people doing things for incentives. Incentives can be in form of money ( the most popular option) or just happiness. I spent a time with one globally well known social worker Edhi I never saw a selfless person in my life like him but one day what he told me it blew my mind. He asked me if I think he is not selfish and I replied of course and he said " I am most selfish person on earth because helping people give me happiness and I do all this for my happiness". These sentences from him literally changed my perspective.

Coming back to the topic, While I was doing my research I found read.cash as effective platform which can offer a vital solution of BCH adoption for masses the community here tips the content creators which cause more circulation of BCH from Big BCH holders towards the new users. This type of behaviour creates a echo system where any one got to use BCH for their content tipped by BCH community will definitely want to give back in any way they can. So as for this platform we can have many content creators in future who will be wishing to give back to the community by content creation for BCH. I have strong feeling that this platform will evolve from "read" to "watch" also.

As many know I am digital marketing expert, So I decided to use my marketing expertise to spread this platform to the world which will be easiest and good way to reach masses. A targeted crowd who are content creators will be good addon for community for this I decided to use read.cash affiliate program. I decided to use my marketing expertise to drive at least 50 affiliate from each country in next 3 months to this platform( please let me know if there is any policy against it). before that I never used this affiliate option but now I do to keep watch how many affiliates I drived. I started experiment and I got 5 affiliates as a result of my test campaign . Tomorrow number will be growing .

Lets see how it will go and can it help for BCH adoption in common people? What are your views about it? I will really appreciate any suggestion or warnings regarding this Thank you.

I want to give a suggestion also if read.cash can have a section like quora where people questions can be answered it will be great option to add.

Sponsors of ralak

$ 1.00
$ 0.50 from @Read.Cash
$ 0.50 from @Cain
Avatar for ralak
Written by
4 years ago


Good luck! I hope you can get a ton of affiliates. I’m at 119 so far =)

Also if you click on forums, it’s a place where you can ask questions.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for comment and tips both are incentives for leveling up my motivations .

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The income part of the affiliate table never moves (stay at 0.00) why's that? Is impossible after a week and quite some affiliates there's not even one cent there. What's your experience about it?

$ 0.00
4 years ago