Where does Aurora Chase go? Remember these 7 perfect ...

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4 years ago

Whether it is the passionate collision of charged particles in the upper atmosphere, or the beautiful and ancient Snow Fox legend, the gorgeous natural wonder of Aurora is attracting travelers all over the world every year. In the footsteps of chasing Aurora, under the gorgeous sky, the following 7 destinations will add a little color to your travel.

Northern Sweden

Under the influence of the Gulf Stream, Sweden's aurora lacks a bit of coldness. Diverse landscapes, and high aurora frequencies also make Sweden one of the best places in the world to observe aurora. There are both a barren land like the moon and dense forests. For outdoor enthusiasts, the winter here is particularly vibrant: skiing, sledding, various winter sports ... charming and beautiful Stockholm, historic Svealand, and Lapland's largest handicraft center, enough A colorful trip comparable to the aurora.

Aurora time: late September to early November, early March to early April

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Snowboarding is an essential travel tool in the vast snow of Lapland. You can take the Garden Cottage Aurora Hideaway equipped with skis, within easy reach of the remote and beautiful wilderness of northern Sweden. This private restaurant's dishes such as wild mushroom soup, reindeer steak and blueberries are cooked on a campfire with local ingredients. The gorgeous aurora in the night sky and the bonfire in the snow will become the most wonderful experience in winter.


What is the experience of watching an aurora in a transparent igloo? What is it like to watch an aurora in Santa's hometown? What is it like to enjoy a sauna in the northern lights? All these seemingly marginal questions can be answered in Finland. 30% of Finland's land area belongs to Lapland, but only 3% of the population lives here. The vast field echoes with the fantasy aurora, letting you indulge in the boundless world. You can also chase the aurora on a magnificent icebreaker, or lie comfortably in Santa's igloo, and imagine yourself wandering among the dazzling galaxy. Don't forget to experience the Finnish bath, sweating in the birthplace of the sauna.

Aurora time: December to January

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If you want to experience winter swimming and don't dare to step into the icy waters, Lake Las Jarvi can offer you another option. The local experience of floating on ice is very new. Swimmers can wear winter clothing to resist the severe cold, and backstroke in the icy lake for 90 minutes to listen to the click of the ice when it breaks. If you are lucky, you can lie down on the lake to enjoy the aurora.


Watching an aurora in one of the most beautiful countries on the planet will be an unforgettable thing for life. Magnificent glaciers meander from Europe's largest ice sheet, and the pristine and spectacular Arctic scenery is breathtaking. It has magnificent natural scenery and colorful cultural life. As the base of several Arctic expeditions, Troms is one of the best places to watch the aurora, and it is also a vibrant and lively city; the captivating Lofoten Islands, the unique northern lights attract artists from all over the world They; the breathtaking Narvik Snow Mountain and the spectacular fjords, let you be surrounded by aurora and beauty. In addition, rich and interesting festivals can make your trip full of surprises.

Aurora time: Mid September to early April

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The long and closed winter in the 69 ° north latitude has created the world's northernmost distillery. At an old NATO base in the Lyngen Alps in Norway, Aurora Spirit uses the melting water of a nearby glacier to make unique gins, vodkas, whiskies and aguavits. The bunker that was used to monitor the enemy during the war was also transformed into a wine cellar with layers of whisky barrels. After admiring the magnificent natural scenery, come and taste a glass of fine wine made with patience and creativity.


You don't need to go to a specific city to see the aurora in Iceland. In sunny weather, you can see the aurora in suburbs far from the city, but it is greatly affected by the weather. Of course, even if you can't see the aurora, this Atlantic island made of ice and fire still has one of the most stunning natural beauty in the world. Whether it is a magnificent volcano or a cute minke whale, Iceland can always make you feel the peculiar charm of nature. The scenes in the movie are close at hand, and the glaciers and mountains are beautiful.

Aurora time: end of August to mid-April

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For an ice climbing experience in Iceland, Solheimer Glacier is an excellent choice. This glacier is near Reykjavik. The convenient transportation and more suitable climbing difficulty are very friendly for beginners. It is an ideal place to first explore Iceland's frozen wonderland, even in the cold winter. Travelers can explore this mysterious space through glaciers trekking provided by companies such as Extreme Iceland, marching forward in deep blue glacial crevasses and gray under-ice tunnels.

Murmansk, Russia

From late November to mid-January each year, the spectacular Northern Lights will cover the vast land of Murmansk. This is the only "non-freezing port" in northern Russia and the largest city in the entire Arctic. Compared with other cities in the Arctic Circle, Murmansk has a harsher and rougher, which also makes this city unique. On the Kola Peninsula, far from the city's light pollution, Lake Lovozero is clean and clear, making it a great choice for watching the northern lights.

Aurora time: October to April

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Murmansk is the base of a nuclear-powered icebreaker. The icebreaker advances all the way north to explore the unknown world of the Arctic. You can board the world's first "Lenin" icebreaker and meet the wildest sailing fantasy hidden in the heart of this sea monster launched in 1957. Three batches of group tours are organized daily on board. You can visit the nuclear reactor, map room, bridge and reception hall, and imagine a wonderful journey to become a Cold War spy.

Yellowknife, Canada

Yellowknife (Yellowknife) in the sub-arctic region has a great location to see the aurora. Most of the winter, it is cloudless and sunny, so it is also rated as the best place in the world to watch the aurora by NASA .The vast wilderness, the roaring off-road aircraft and the beautiful houseboats have a wilderness that no one can understand, and they also have a friendly culture that is multi-ethnic. You can stroll the long lake beaches of the Frederne Regional Park, or drive on the rugged but picturesque Temple Road to experience the spirit of ancient pioneering.

Aurora time: November to March

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During the day waiting for the aurora to come, why not visit the Prince of Wales Heritage Museum. The largest museum in the Northwest Territories is a very interesting Aboriginal museum, fully displaying the history of Yellowknife. Rich collections, lifelike animal specimens, primitive indigenous cultures ... It is also a good choice to understand the causes of Aurora before looking at Aurora.

Alaska, United States

Alaska in late autumn is a great place to watch the aurora: cross the vast pristine plains and enjoy a romantic encounter with the magical aurora. Glaciers and snow-capped mountains appear pure and primitive on this vast land known as the "Call of the Wild". Ice climbing, trekking, glacier kayaking, untouched peaks and roads ... it's a paradise for adventurers. Pack up your smartphone and electronic tablet, carry your backpack, and experience a trip that evokes instinct.

 Aurora time: end of August to April of the following year.

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Written by
4 years ago


Nice! You should use "wide" images (there's a button to make it wider). I think that would make it look even better on bigger screens.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.50
4 years ago

It's up to you, of course :) Just a recommendation.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This article is so informative please I really want to see aurora in person. Hopefully if I earn enough money and have a stable job I will be able to go and see it in person.

$ 0.24
4 years ago