Uncovering the mysterious veil of the Mediterranean bride Is it shy or boring? 

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4 years ago

Alexandria is Egypt's largest seaport and the second largest city in the country, located in the western Nile Delta. The city was built in 332 BC and was named after the occupation of Egypt by the Greek king Alexander the Great of Macedonia. It is an ancient and medieval city with many places of interest. The ruins of Alexander Lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, is on the island of Faros offshore.

Alexander has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate, and has the reputation of "Mediterranean Bride". It is interesting to say that on our planet, there are as many as 34 cities named Alexandria. They were all named by the famous Greek great Alexander of ancient Greece after crossing the land of Asia, Europe and Africa. It is said that what he loved most during his lifetime was the city of Egypt, which has been separated from the sun since he left. To this day, the Egyptians still firmly believe that the tomb of Alexander the Great is under the city, and perhaps an easy excavation can solve the mystery of ancient history.

In fact, Alexander's best known story is Cleopatra's story. At that time she relied on a blanket to roll herself up as a gift, conquered the Roman Caesar in Alexandria, won the throne, and was entangled with two other prominent figures in Roman history, Anthony and Octavi .

But today, Alexander has completely lost her shadow related to Cleopatra. After two thousand years of vicissitudes of the sea, her gorgeous palace has disappeared. It seems that prosperity has often become a killer of history, and desolation has made a lot of miracles to this day. Human beings have been writing history and covering history. I do not know whether it is joy or worry. However, according to the United States National Underground, the magnificent Cleopatra's palace has been found underwater, only to see the day has not yet been put on the agenda. Or one day the world will undergo another round of change, and it will stubbornly surface ...

Westerners call the city of Alexandria in Egypt a "Mediterranean bride." Because it is in the embrace of the Mediterranean, it bathes the breeze and the sun all year round. It is more like a bride to be married. With open arms, it flies with the sea birds and waves.

Only after witnessing Cleopatra's love with the Romans, it has passed the last glory of Pharaoh's time. After that, Romans, Persians, Arabs, Turks and other troupes appeared like lanterns. When the French and British came, it had fallen into the bride of a poor fishing village. It was not until the arrival of Arab Muhammad in the 19th century that its dust was slowly blown away and the light was gradually reproduced ...

Today, Alexandria is a curved city built along the coast. There are many white sandy beaches along the coastline. In summer, tourists gather here. A wide seaside avenue runs from east to west, and the south side of the avenue is lined with European-style buildings. Among the buildings along the way, the towering minarets and spherical roofs of the mosque are full of flavor.

The most prominent ones are the Busseri Mosque and the Abu Abbas Mosque, which stand on the Mediterranean Sea, showing Alexander's alternative Arab charm, making people feel like coming to Europe.

Alexandria is the most open city in Egypt. 30% of foreigners live here. Western economic and cultural influences it greatly, which is obviously different from Cairo and other regions.

On Alexander Promenade, there is a large sculpture "Bride of the Mediterranean" created in the 1960s, which is the iconic sculpture of the city. The sculpture is based on the story of ancient Greek myth Zeus seduces Princess Europa. The "bride" in the statue lies in the hollow of Zeus's arms, his right hand is around his neck, which symbolizes the four intricate masts of Bai Fan, standing upright and full of romanticism ...

The Roman Amphitheater is located in the center of Alexandria, and is the only Roman theater ever discovered in Egypt. It was built in the 2nd century AD when the Roman Empire ruled Egypt. It was discovered during the construction of the Alexandria government office building in 1960.

The theater has a horseshoe shape, the original dome-shaped roof, the outer wall is an original Roman period, the inner wall was destroyed by the earthquake, and both walls were made of stone and red brick. The auditorium has 12 rows of horseshoe-shaped marble stone steps, with two private boxes in the back row, and the stage has been destroyed.

However, because it is different from the ancient Roman theaters of the countries along the Mediterranean coast, the audience on both sides of the stage cannot watch the performance on the stage, so some people think that it should be the ancient Roman stepped hall, only for assembly and band performance. The remaining stone pillars of the theater are engraved with ten characters and Arabic, indicating that the theater was used in the Byzantine and Arabic periods.

Compared with other ancient theaters, the Roman amphitheater is not large in scale, but because it has sealed the civilization of ancient Egypt, it is worth visiting. What is amazing is that standing in the center of the theater and speaking to the audience, you can hear clear echoes, and you can't help but be impressed by the wisdom of the ancient Romans

The ancient castle of Alexandria is also called Caterba Castle. Its predecessor was the Alexander Lighthouse, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. When the lighthouse was completed, it stood at 400 feet and was truly the tallest building in the world at the time. Its designer was the Greek architect Soschatus. For 1500, the Alexandria Lighthouse has been guiding sailors into the port in the dark, serving both defense and reconnaissance. Unfortunately, the lighthouse was destroyed in a major earthquake in 1435, completely destroyed and sunk into the ocean floor.

An Arab traveler wrote in his notes: "The lighthouse is built on three steps, on top of it, a mirror reflects daylight during the day and a ship is guided by fire at night."

In 1477, in order to prevent the invasion of foreign enemies, King Carter built a castle on the ruins of the lighthouse with the stones of Alexandra Lighthouse and named it after himself.

Carter Bay Castle is a square Arabian building with beautiful shapes and majestic appearance, with tall city walls on three sides. Entering the castle's main tower, you will see multiple arches linked to long corridors, leading to all corners of the castle ...

Speaking of the history and culture of ancient Egypt, we must mention the Library of Alexandria, not far from the Pompeii Pillar. It has existed for nearly 800 years. It has a large collection of books and a great contribution to humanity. It is other ancient libraries incomparable.

The Alexandria Library, founded by King Ptolemy I of Egypt, is one of the oldest libraries in the world. It is said that there was a statute in that year: Every ship passing through the port of Alexandria must submit a copy of the book or document on board to the Alexander Library for collection. As a result, the library's collections increased rapidly, reaching a staggering 8 million. Unfortunately, this world-famous ancient cultural center was completely engulfed by war at the end of the 3rd century ...

Egypt is known as the "Hometown of the Queen" and is also a country with many beautiful women in the world. Whether in the streets or in the scenic shopping malls, beautiful women are everywhere. Tall and erect figure, clear and deep eyes, flowing hair, full of vitality and charm. In particular, their white and delicate skin, smooth and delicate, bright white and dazzling, born with beautiful texture, is enviable.

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