Travel Jordan

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4 years ago

Jordan is a small country with enthusiasm for its people, a long history and culture, and numerous UNESCO-recognized World Heritage Sites, providing endless reverie for adventure. In the past, it was often unfairly confused with regional conflicts and was therefore ignored by travelers. But in fact, this is a warm and peaceful destination not to be missed. Before traveling to Jordan, don't hesitate to book a trip, pack your bags and check these things.

Jordan is often referred to as "a quiet house in a noisy community"


Maybe this will be the moment when you fall asleep under the starry sky or stand in awe of the huge ancient stones. Or it hits you when you reach the summit of the mountains and look out at the city in the distance. You may share laughter and stories with new friends. Or boil tea with sage and sugar by the campfire. It can be made in fresh mansaf bread (mutton, rice and yogurt sauce from the Jordanian country), made lovingly by your host and eaten by hand. Jordan will welcome you and challenge you, which is likely to change you. 

Jordan is safe

Despite being located in an area with a long history of conflict, Jordan is a "quiet house in a noisy neighborhood", an open and friendly oasis that attracts tourists. Hospitality is paramount, and violent crime is extremely rare. Gallup's 2017 Law and Order Report ranked Jordan 135th (135th) in the world when assessing personal security; 26th in the United States of America. Although you should take the usual precautions everywhere-buy travel and health insurance, don't carry large amounts of cash, lock valuables in safes, and don't walk alone at night-fear should not be a factor in planning work to travel to Jordan.

Bedouin's hospitality tradition means travelers to Jordan often stop for a cup of tea.

Hospitality is King

Don't let the "Jordanian frown" fool you. Although you may encounter frowning and unfriendly faces, you will soon learn something other than a frowny hard look, and will usually like an interesting attitude that can be traced back From deep hospitality to Bedouin culture. It is not uncommon to be invited to drink tea or even eat by the owners and strangers you meet. The locals would say, "Ahlan wa sahlan '" (welcome). "Where are you from? Welcome to Jordan."

When greeting someone you meet in Jordan, follow local customs

Follow Jordanian greetings

You will see people of the same sex shaking hands, hugging or even kissing multiple times next to each cheek. However, if you reach out and shake or tilt a hug, you may be hanged. Out of respect for their religion and spouse, some Muslims will not contact people of other genders unless they are related by blood. Don't treat it personally; be prepared and willing to learn local traditions. When meeting someone, you can stand up, say hello, smile, and let them take the lead. If they reach out or hug, you can do the same. If they put their hands aside, or put their right hands on their hearts instead of reaching out, that's how they thank you.

Not always sunny

A common misconception about Jordan is that it is always hot, dry and sunny. This may be the case if you visit between May and September, but Jordan does have a winter. From November to February, the country has many cold and cloudy days, sometimes even rain, snow, sleet and hail. Temperatures will hover a few degrees during the day and drop to freezing points at night, so if you travel from mid-October to mid-March, be sure to pack a waterproof and thermal jacket and monitor the weather. Flash floods are extremely dangerous, and it is even known that Petra will shut down in bad weather.

Dress appropriately

Jordan is a Muslim-majority country, but Christians, Jews, and people of all faiths coexist peacefully here. Women are not legally required to wear a headscarf, but they are expected to dress appropriately — it is best to avoid low-cut and off-shoulder tops, skirts and shorts. If you plan to visit places of worship, both men and women must cover their knees and shoulders, and women are usually expected to cover their hair, chest, and neck. But covering does not mean neatly dressed: Jordanians generally pay great attention to image and are well-dressed. Some restaurants even require strict dress codes, especially in Amman. 

Wine is legal

If you are looking for sunseters, there are many restaurants, bars and big cities like Amman and Aqaba as well as Christian town such as Madaba (where you will find Jordan's only craft brewery Carakale). St George and the Jordan River also produce their own wines in the country, but are prepared to pay a considerable price for their liberation-although legal, alcohol often brings high taxes. Keep in mind that Muslim-owned property and Islamic holidays can affect how quickly alcohol is obtained. For example, it is illegal to sell alcohol anywhere in the country during Ramadan (except for some upscale hotels), and most camps in Wadi Rum do not provide alcohol at all (but you can usually bring your own). 

Hookah and smoking are common

There may be a shortage of alcohol, but there is a lot of smoke there. For better or worse, smoking hookah is a national pastime, and there are Argeeleh cafes all over the country. Smoking is also widely accepted-in most restaurants, cafes, hotels, homes, shops, taxis, and even some hair salons. Smoking travellers get along well, but Jordan's smoking culture can be challenging for non-smokers and those in good health. When booking rooms, tours, restaurants and transportation, ask if non-smoking options are available.

Bring a reusable filter water bottle

In Jordan, tap water is not available and environmental education and recycling facilities are lacking. Unfortunately, you will see plastic and other trash littering the original lovely landscape. Local businesses and organizations using an eco-aware approach and a plastic-free policy are working to teach and inspire locals and tourists through their environmental initiatives. Travelers traveling to Jordan can be part of the solution by supporting these eco-conscious businesses and bringing their own reusable filtered water bottles and reusable cutlery.

Jordan is smaller than Portugal or Maine, but within its borders you will find endless adventure possibilities, ancient history and culture, nature reserves, community-based immersive experiences and five UNESCO World Heritage Sites Including the architectural wonders of Petra and the vast desert and towering rocks of Wadi Rum. If you qualify for a visa to Jordan, purchase a Jordan Pass to access some of the best attractions, castles and museums, including Petra, Wadi Rum, Hercules Temple in Amman, Roman Ruins in Jerash and Ajloun castle.

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4 years ago
