The largest and stunning country in northern Africa

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4 years ago

Algeria, a republic in northern Africa, borders the Mediterranean Sea to the north. The full name is the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria. The official language is Arabic . Islam is the state religion. The capital is Algiers.

Algeria is rich in tourism resources, and there are seven natural and cultural attractions throughout the territory that are listed as World Heritage by UNESCO. Algiers, the capital city, has the famous Notre Dame of Africa, 319 mosques and numerous museums. There are golden Mediterranean beaches with a pleasant climate in the north, the vast Sahara Desert in the south, snow-capped plateau mountains and many ancient Roman ruins.

Prohibit intoxicating and poisonous plant beverages: drinking alcohol is prohibited; all alcohol-related intoxicating articles are prohibited; alcohol-related businesses are prohibited; attending banquets with alcohol is prohibited; all narcotics and drugs are strictly prohibited.Eating animals that are not slaughtered in the name of Allah is strictly prohibited.

Atlas Mountains (Atlas Mountains), is Africa's most extensive fold-fault mountain region, part of the Alps. It spans Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia (including the Gibraltar Peninsula), separating the southwestern Mediterranean coast from the Sahara Desert.The Atlas Mountains are more than 400 kilometers long, stretching from the white beaches of the Atlantic Ocean to the Sahara Desert. The main peak is magnificent and magnificent, comparable to the Alps and the Pyrenees.

The Grande Post Office in Algiers (Grande Poste d'Alger) is a neo-Moorish-style building, built in 1910, as a landmark building in the center of Algiers, the capital of Algeria, and a testimony to the modern history of Algeria.The big post office is still operating as a post office, often issuing various first day covers and commemorative stamps from time to time. The internal structure is also very beautiful, it is worth visiting, you can take pictures.

The Notre Dame of Africa is located on a hill in Algiers, and it is not much different from other mosques from a distance, mainly because of the Arabic style decoration, which basically covers the architectural style of ancient Roman Byzantine.

Algiers Castle was built by Berbers and Arabs in 935. Algiers' old town is called "Kasbah". Kasbah refers to the ancient castle still on the top of the mountain.

In Kasbah, Algiers, Turkish military architecture is integrated with Moorish architectural traditions and Mediterranean Arab architecture. Many major monumental buildings use wood carvings and pottery to decorate the houses .

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4 years ago
