Only when you come to Russia in person can you understand why this place is so fascinating!

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4 years ago

There is such a country in the world, the land area (17.1 million square kilometers) is the largest in the world, accounting for about 11% of the world's land area, and the coastline is 34,000 kilometers long. The abundance of its tourism resources is astounding, and it is so beautiful ... this is Russia!

There are snow-capped, tree-lined, spring flowers, and autumn leaves yellow; the culture here is unique, the church is magnificent, the palace is gorgeous, and the art pattern is magnificent ...

Russia, with its vast territory, spans Eurasia and is one of the countries with the most time zones across the world. Its rich and diverse natural and cultural scenery has always shown its proudness to the world.

There are many colorful scenery here: ice and snow, frozen land, sunny beaches, dense birch and fir tree forests, mysterious deep lakes, snow-capped peaks, swaying pastures, endless prairie, and ancient Military fortresses, lavish palaces, onion-roofed churches, and chalet villages that have been left behind for a long time ...

Birch forests are interspersed between buildings in the city from time to time. A large area of ​​virgin forest is still preserved, and wild animals such as hares, squirrels, hedgehogs can be seen.

Walking in Moscow, whether it is a fairy-tale Red Square, or the magnificent Kremlin, people always want to hum the famous "Evening outside Moscow".

Red Square is a square in the center of Moscow. It is a representative symbol of Russia and a testimony of history. The pride of Moscow people.

On the west side of the Red Square is the Kremlin known as the eighth wonder of the world. On the north side is the National History Museum. On the east side is the GUM department store. On the south side is the colorful St. Basil's Cathedral. The bright colors of Red Square, complicated sculptures and embossed decorations attract tourists from all over the world.

St. Basil's Church of the Ascension is a well-known Orthodox church. The beautiful and exquisite onion dome resembles a castle in a fairy tale.

The Kremlin, including 5 magnificent palaces, 4 holy churches, and solemn palace walls that point directly to the sky, is the former Tsarist Palace of Russia and today is a world cultural heritage.

Saint Petersburg, Russia's second largest city, one of the most exciting views is the Ekaterina Garden, which follows the geometric layout of the Palace of Versailles.

In 1708, Peter the Great built a two-story wooden palace for his wife Ekaterina I. Since then, it has become a royal palace on the outskirts of the royal family.

The palace's exquisite architecture, fresh and soft colors, permeates the feminine charm, and the garden is full of poetic and artistic expression. It was listed on the United Nations World Heritage List in 1990.

In 1756, the Baroque-style Yekaterina Palace was built here. The "Amber Hall" in the Yekaterina Palace is all decorated with amber, which is a wonder of the world.

The Summer Palace Garden, comparable to Versailles, Buckingham, is a well-organized garden in Russia.

The colorful Summer Palace garden, the magnificent and exquisite large fountain, and the yellow-orange-yellow maple leaves floating in the wind all over the place are staggered in various colors. If you didn't feel it yourself, you might suspect that it's all in the painting ....

The Hermitage, one of the four largest museums in the world with the Paris Louvre. It was the palace of the Tsar before 1917. After the October Revolution, the Hermitage Museum was established in 1922, and the Winter Palace became part of the museum.

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Written by
4 years ago


That looks incredible. I hope to visit someday!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 1.00
4 years ago

Russia is so beautiful and a nice place to leave. It has a lot of beautiful things.

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4 years ago