Indonesian tourism is not only Bali, this island of great value, every place is a "fairyland" 

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4 years ago

Manado, is the capital of Indonesia ’s North Sulawesi Province. It is located at the northern end of Sulawesi Island and borders on the West Sea of ​​Sulawesi. Here, whether you want to travel, or want to go diving, all can be satisfied.

Manado has a unique terrain, it is backed by a volcano, facing the sea, half of the flame, half of the sea. He has a long-sleeping volcano, Mount Mahawu, who can climb up to the other side of the volcano through stone steps, and can fully appreciate the huge craters created by nature.

Siladen of Manado is said to have a 99% chance of seeing dolphins here. Siladen is a high-quality, very original environment with clear water quality and a wide variety of oceans. Hundreds of dolphins can jump and sneak in the sea when the weather is good. The dolphins that used to be seen only on the aquarium and on TV. Here, if you are lucky, you may be able to see swarms of wild dolphins.

If you want to dive in the island, then Manado will be your satisfactory choice. Indonesia ’s first national marine park, the Bunaken National Marine Reserve, is located here. It has a total area of ​​890 square kilometers, of which 97% of the area is clear and crystal clear. There are more than 50 scuba diving and There are snorkeling spots, erratic corals, colorful fish, leisurely turtles, dolphins in groups, and other underwater creatures.

Refracting the sun in the sea water at the seaside is very easy to sunburn and tanning. Every dive friend remembers to prepare a sunscreen diving suit, without frequent sunscreen replenishment, and freely dive into the sea to enjoy the island tour fun.

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Written by
4 years ago


yes brother..our country have alot of beautiful place for travelliig

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3 years ago

Wow, beautiful!

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4 years ago

Thank you so much read cash for reading and supporting my aricles 🥰

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4 years ago