Gorgeous beaches and precipitous volcanoes

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4 years ago

Speaking of Indonesia, the first thing many people think of is the resort of Bali. However, on the other side of Bali, there is an island known as the "Secret Eden", which is little known. The island has beautiful beaches and precipitous volcanoes, blue clear waters, and the magnificent Rinjani active volcano. Amazing rainbow waterfall, unique traditional Sasak culture and so on.

Lombok means "chili" in Indonesian. West Nusa Tenggara Province, located in southwestern Indonesia, is one of the main islands of the Sunda Islands, across the sea from Bali.

On Lombok. You will have a leisure space to move and climb the Rinjani volcano, the second highest volcano in Indonesia, without crowding. The volcano is 3726 meters above sea level. It is recommended by Lonely Planet and National Geographic as the ten mountains to climb in life. The scenery is beautiful. Every year, it attracts countless climbers and visitors to climb the crater, just to see the magnificent lake below 600 meters.

Imagine standing at the top of a volcano over three thousand meters, looking at the spectacular crater and the calm and magnificent volcanic lake, so harmonious with the blue sea in the distance. This is half a flame and half a spectacular view of the sea. Standing above the clouds, admiring the intoxicating sunrise and the dazzling starry sky, one can't help but sigh that nature can be so vigorous and so magical!

When you come to Lombok, you must not miss the Gili Islands on the north side of Lombok. This is simply a paradise for snorkeling enthusiasts. When you come to the island, you will feel like you can own the whole beach . The crystal clear blue sea water, the blue sky and the white sand beach, all breathe the natural breath of nature.

The Gili Islands are composed of three small islands: Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Gili Meno. These three islands are also known as "three treasures in the Indian Ocean." Since the 1980s, it has become the back garden of Westerners. Among them, Gili Tranwangan Island is the largest, the most famous and the most lively island, which is nicknamed "Party Island" by tourists. There is a big party almost every night here and friends who love night activities must not miss Tranwangan Island!

Trawangan Island has a variety of sea swings on the sea. You can sit up and feel the charm of the sea and the sky. It is very suitable for sitting here to take pictures.

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4 years ago


Thank u for sharing the view

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4 years ago