I’m not Alice, but I’m in Wonderland sometimes too

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3 years ago

The world is great wonderland. Everyone is rushing and rushing somewhere, setting rules that they then break, love, but still hurt, waiting for something to be indifferent later. And so the days go by. In the end, we realize that the world is strange, too strange.

While we are children, our world looks like a large space that has no end. And everything is so perfect. You play, you go to school, others take care of you and think for you. It is an obligation to be happy and good, to be an example of a wonderful child. Although our childhood is filled with great freedom, we still receive rules and instructions from all sides: "It's not nice", "You can't do this and that", "You have to do this and that". I used to think that older people don't make mistakes and that they respect all the rules, but then I realized that adults know how to lie, cheat, be uncultured and bad people. Over time, I wondered how that was possible and why we were then the world we live in is truly a wonderland. Everything is absurd and meaningless, and people do not have one face. Sometimes I am so surprised how little I know about the world in front of me. Admittedly, even when I think I got to know him better, again some surprise. I like surprises, although I don't always like them.

The world we live in is truly a wonderland. Everything is absurd and meaningless, and people do not have one face. Sometimes I am so surprised how little I know about the world in front of me. Admittedly, even when I think I got to know him better, again some surprise. I like surprises, although I don't always like them.

The world is a wonderland. Alice was really right. Growing up brings cognition. Our eyes are completely open, but we still can't help but wonder. And what amazes us so much? Maybe it's just hard to be an adult, and the world has always been that way. Maybe they taught us wrong, so we are disappointed.

The world is a wonderland. Time is such a meaningless category. And what time is it, actually? Where is the white rabbit Alice running after? Where is he persistently late? Who is waiting for him? Did he arrive on time and does he know where he is late? Does it symbolize those we always wait for or those who always arrive on time? It may be impossible for everything to be according to a strict rule. It’s probably hard when you’re an adult and when you have to get to countless places at a certain time. Although, it seems to me more and more that sometimes people don't know where they are going and what they are chasing or who is waiting for them. Maybe they are just trying to be responsible and that they can rightly say that they are adults and mature people. Maybe they are still children and they need someone to take care of them. Maybe they are just pretending and acting walking in the shoes of adults, and secretly fantasizing or wishing for chocolate from a guest or for someone to pat them on the head and treat them like a child.

The world is truly a great wonderland. Sometimes the decisions of mature and smart people are completely immature and stupid. And adults sometimes do not know how to judge, evaluate, decide, but are guided by some stereotypical rules. Of course, they can also make mistakes. Why not. Everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes it seems that a child will admit a mistake rather than an adult. Adults like to be strict, so sometimes they laugh a little. They can be both disinterested and cold and say that children's problem is harmless nonsense. For adults, sometimes everything is black or white, and for children, it is mostly colorful. That is why every child, as he matures, reaches that wonderland that changes everything for him. It really is all so weird and inexplicable.

Alice is surprised as she grows and shrinks and she can't help but be surprised that at one point she is so small that she can go through a mouse hole, and then suddenly so big. He marvels at his growth which is a natural and normal phenomenon, but growing up and maturing brings realization. Alice not only gets acquainted with the changes in her body, but also gets acquainted with the world in which she lives, its flaws and virtues, and people with all their characteristics and habits. It is probable that every child on the way to growing up was like Alice at least at one point - surprised, scared, curious.

The world is one great wonderland. We grow up and surprises are constantly changing. Anything surprises us, but most people. Their habits, decisions, actions are strange. It is even stranger that the restless and curious child in them is completely lost. As much as the benefits of growing up are, every person wants to remain a child and enjoy their timeless world, where nothing matters, where neither the white rabbit nor anyone else is in a hurry, because it is not late anywhere and where the wonderland is not full surprises. It seems to the child that he is so far from the world of adults and that he will never have to be a mature person. However, while playing and imagining, his years slip away so imperceptibly, and then the moment comes when he realizes that the toys are outdated and that he has definitely stepped forward. Yes, to Wonderland.

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3 years ago
