(Ing-Esp)A Letter to my Father. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY./Una Carta a mi Padre. FELIZ DIA DEL PADRE./

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3 years ago

Good day to all these respected members of this community of read.cash Open For All, there are days of days, where memories flutter and shake sleeping feelings, moments with my father, that will not return happy Father's Day my dear old man, I will love you forever. I want to tell you about an exemplary man in my life, what a joke when one realizes that when the relative is not present. His name was RAFAEL ANTONIO PÉREZ SANDOVAL, this is my father's name.

Buen día para todos estos respetados miembros de esta comunidad de read.cash Open For All, hay días de días, donde los recuerdos revolotean y agitan sentimientos dormidos, momentos con mi padre, que no volverán feliz día del Padre mi querido viejo, te amare por siempre.

Les quiero hablar de un hombre ejemplar en mi vida, qué broma cuando uno se da cuenta de que cuando el familiar no está presente. Su nombre era RAFAEL ANTONIO PÉREZ SANDOVAL, este es el nombre de mi padre.

He was a humble, honest and correct person, unfortunately 16 years ago he left this earthly plane. With so much sacrifice he raised his children with his lifelong wife, I remember that we lived in a very humble area, where with a lot of effort and affection we climbed, he carried us forward with a lot of courage and work. He was born in Los Teques - edo. Miranda, was the eldest of his siblings, he belonged to a family with little financial means, orphaned of a mother, he grew up with his father therefore, from a very young age he had to go out to work to help him to carry out the provision at home.

Era una persona humilde, honesta y correcta, lamentablemente hace 16 años dejó este plano terrenal. Con tanto sacrificio crio a sus hijos con su esposa de toda la vida, recuerdo que vivíamos en una zona muy humilde, donde con mucho esfuerzo y cariño escalamos, él nos sacó adelante con mucho coraje y trabajo.

Nació en Los Teques - edo. Miranda, fue el mayor de sus hermanos, pertenecía a una familia con escases económica, huérfano de madre, se crio con su padre por ende, desde muy pequeño tuvo que salir a trabajar para ayudarlo para llevar a cabo la provisión al hogar.

Photo of my father with his children and grandson

Foto de mi padre con sus hijos y nieto

When he grew up he became an innkeeper, as we can imagine a very strong and self-sacrificing job, since in many cases it was night work. A father from the old school, where he had to support 8 siblings (I include myself there), worked overtime to be able to get ahead.

Cuando creció se convirtió en mesonero, como podemos imaginar un trabajo muy fuerte y abnegado, ya que en muchos casos se trataba de trabajo nocturno. Un padre de la vieja escuela, donde tenía que mantener a 8 hermanos (me incluyo allí), trabajó horas extras para poder salir adelante.

Photo with my mother, an exemplary Mother. I will love you forever...

Foto con mi madre, una Madre ejemplar. Los amare por siempre...

Now, 2005 was the hardest year of my life, since it was the year of the unexpected physical departure of my father, apparently he was not ill, but as one might suppose the unfortunate consequences of working nights and cigarettes, he brought my dad a sad and unexpected end to his life.

Ahora bien, 2005 fue el año más duro de mi vida, ya que fue el año de la inesperada partida física de mi padre, aparentemente no estaba enfermo, pero como se podría suponer las lamentables consecuencias de las noches de trabajo y los cigarrillos, le trajeron a mi papá un final triste e inesperado para su vida.

The day before December 6, 2005 I had an argument with my father, he was barely 60 years old, both of them strong characters, I was immature, I wanted to impose myself and try to make him understand that he was not right about something. This is how it happened. The day, we did not resolve our differences, and it was the next morning, that is, on 07-12-2005, when he feels bad (chest pain), we talk to each other, and he asks me to take him to The clinic, he bathes, he shaves, he fixes himself, we went straight to the clinic, in the truck he tells me that he still has severe chest pains.

El día anterior al 6 de diciembre de 2005 tuve una discusión con mi padre, él apenas tenía 60 años, ambos personajes fuertes, yo era inmaduro, quería imponerme y tratar de hacerle entender que no tenía razón en algo. . Así sucedió. El día, no resolvimos nuestras diferencias, y fue a la mañana siguiente, es decir, el 07-12-2005, cuando se siente mal (dolor en el pecho), nos hablamos y me pide que lo lleve. La clínica, se baña, se afeita, se arregla, fuimos directo a la clínica, en la camioneta me dice que todavía tiene fuertes dolores en el pecho.

When we finally arrived at the clinic's emergency center, they treated him, the Dr, raised the story by asking a series of questions, all answered without help, my father seems stable, my brothers and I are dedicated to carrying out the administrative procedures. Upon his admission, without knowing it at the time, my father had 3 heart attacks, but he did not pretend it, the treating doctor tells us that he is stable but that we should not neglect him, before that, we feel a With great relief, the doctor's words lifted a weight from her, the concern was great.

Cuando finalmente llegamos al centro de urgencias de la clínica, lo atendieron, el Dr., planteó la historia haciendo una serie de preguntas, todas respondidas sin ayuda, mi padre parece estable, mis hermanos y yo nos dedicamos a realizar los trámites administrativos. A su ingreso, sin saberlo en ese momento, mi padre tuvo 3 infartos, pero no lo fingió, el médico tratante nos dice que está estable pero que no debemos descuidarlo, ante eso, sentimos un Con gran alivio, las palabras del médico le quitaron un peso de encima, la preocupación era grande.

The doctor gave us peace of mind, so much so that he told us that everything bad had happened, I trusted me and went to the baseball stadium to buy tickets and then go to a game, we left the clinic, and halfway there. My mother calls us to tell us that my father had passed away, can you imagine the shock, the anger, they were an accumulation of feelings ...

El médico nos dio tranquilidad, tanto que nos dijo que todo lo malo había pasado, yo confié en mí y fui al estadio de béisbol a comprar boletos y luego ir a un partido, salimos de la clínica, ya la mitad del camino. Mi madre nos llama para decirnos que mi padre había fallecido, ¿te imaginas el susto, el enfado, eran un cúmulo de sentimientos ...

At that moment we really almost went crazy, we got to the clinic and saw my father even in the emergency, but this time, still lifeless, I felt terrible, I had many things left to tell him, my mind took refuge in the night before , the discussion with him, not being able to ask for forgiveness, this has been one of the strongest pains of my life.

En ese momento realmente casi nos volvemos locos, llegamos a la clínica y vimos a mi padre incluso en la emergencia, pero esta vez, aún sin vida, me sentí fatal, me quedaban muchas cosas por contarle, mi mente se refugió en la noche antes, la discusión con él, no poder pedir perdón, este ha sido uno de los dolores más fuertes de mi vida.

The fact that my father died without me being able to talk to him, that even being in the car, taking him to the clinic, I felt a certain resentment, but not one of those full of pride, no, but immature, silly, loving being right and not give my arm to twist. To then feel that slap that life gives me, an extremely difficult test where God confronts me and gives me the greatest lesson.

El hecho de que mi padre murió sin que yo pudiera hablar con él, que aun estando en el auto, llevándolo a la clínica, sentí cierto resentimiento, pero no de esos llenos de orgullo, no, sino que inmaduro, tonto, amar tener razón y no dar mi brazo para torcer. Para luego sentir esa bofetada que me da la vida, una prueba sumamente difícil donde Dios me confronta y me da la mayor lección.

It was really days and months of anger with myself, but it was too late, I couldn't do anything to go back in time, at that moment my mother was left alone, imagine that I did not do for her, I deposited everything in her love, straightens my feelings It is not that they were not present before, but it is typical that one believes that something like this can never happen to one, that from one moment to another one of your parents dies, that was unthinkable.

De verdad fueron días y meses de enfado conmigo mismo, pero ya era demasiado tarde, no podía hacer nada para dar marcha atrás en el tiempo, en ese momento mi madre se quedó sola, imagínate que yo no hice por ella, deposité en ella todo el amor, endereza mis sentimientos No es que no estuvieran presentes antes, pero es típico que uno crea que algo así nunca le puede pasar a uno, que de un momento a otro muere uno de tus padres, eso era impensable.

One of the lessons that this experience left me was that we as children must understand that our parents are older people, that we should not get involved in discussions that will lead us nowhere, but rather, wisely and at the right time. They understand that there is another point of view, without attacks, showing them that their perspective is valid, but that our opinion can also contribute to solving things more easily.

Una de las lecciones que me dejó esta experiencia fue que nosotros como niños debemos entender que nuestros padres son personas mayores, que no debemos involucrarnos en discusiones que no nos llevarán a ningún lado, sino más bien, con sabiduría y en el momento oportuno. Entienden que hay otro punto de vista, sin ataques, mostrándoles que su perspectiva es válida, pero que nuestra opinión también puede contribuir a resolver las cosas con mayor facilidad.

This is the best advice that I always tell my children, I give them as an example my case, so that they do not live this bad experience that I lived 17 years ago, but that life so difficult and hard lessons can be learned from my mistakes.

Este es el mejor consejo que siempre les digo a mis hijos, les doy como ejemplo mi caso, para que no vivan esta mala experiencia que viví hace 17 años, sino que de mis errores puedan aprender la vida tan difícil y dura lecciones.

Today, I have left behind the feelings of guilt, I know that wherever I am he forgave me, I remember him beautiful, happy, how I miss him and love him very much. I know that I will never be able to give him that hug that he expected from me, nor will I be able to express my love to you with words, I did not do it before, because my inexperience told me that you assumed it, which is wrong. But I know that in my heart you are always and will be present.

Hoy, he dejado atrás los sentimientos de culpa, sé que donde quiera que esté él me perdonó, lo recuerdo hermoso, feliz, cómo lo extraño y lo amo mucho. Sé que nunca podré darle ese abrazo que él esperaba de mí, ni podré expresarte mi amor con palabras, no lo hice antes, porque mi inexperiencia me dijo que tú lo asumiste, Cuál está mal. Pero sé que en mi corazón siempre estás y estarás presente.

My dear Father, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY wherever you are I WILL LOVE you forever, here your children and grandchildren will always remember you. Not only on this day, but every day of our life.

Mi querido Padre, FELIZ DIA DEL PADRE donde quieras que estés te AMARE por siempre, acá tus hijos y nietos te recordamos siempre. No solo en este día, sino todos los días de nuestra vida.

Well my dear community of read.cash Open For All, this is a brief history of my Father, for our family he was an exemplary man, he was always present with each of his children and grandchildren. Wherever you are, BLESSING DAD.

Bueno mi querida comunidad de read.cash Open For All, esta es una breve historia de mi Padre, para nuestra familia fue un hombre ejemplar, siempre estuvo presente con cada uno de sus hijos y nietos. Donde quieras que estés BENDICION PAPA.

$ 9.71
$ 9.71 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for rafaelperez
3 years ago


Hello, good afternoon @Sassy_sassa, we must thank GOD that it was only a scare nothing more, my advice is that you be aware of your father at all times, calm that GOD is in control.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes, thank you very much for the advice. I am still thankful to the Lord God because I know He has a better plans for each of everyone's life

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am with my father as of now, today is his check up because last month he got a chest pain, we thought that time he was going to stroke but thank God he's not.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good morning @princessbusayo, right now I can say that wherever they are they are calm with each of their children. Thank you very much for each of your comments. God bless you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello, good morning @princessbusayo, remember that I transmitted all that love to my mother until the last breath of her life. My father is 17 years old and my mother is 4 years old. I always have them present in every moment of my life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You took the right step in doing that and I believe they are happy where they are. May their souls continue to rest in peace.

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3 years ago

This is so sad. This reminds me of my mom too. I never understood that we need to always respect and obey our parents because they are old. I and my mom do have issues and most times, we sort it out. The day she died, I was bitter within me because I felt I still have issues not resolved with her. But since then, I am always sad when I remember her but what do I do? I have no choice than to keep remembering and loving her even in the grave.

If you had known your dad would die that day, you would have make everything resolved but it's never too late to transfer the love to your mom more than before just as you said to be doing. This way, I believe your dad would be happy in heaven with you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago