Household task: Cleaning air conditioning 

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Avatar for rafaelperez
3 years ago

Hello dear friends of Read.Cash, in today's post I will share my experience in cleaning the air conditioning in my apartment. Need really is a powerful motivator for considering learning an art or trade.

Split air conditioning in the living room of our home

Before I got married I never imagined myself cleaning air conditioners. It all started in the preschool and nursery school that my wife and her family had, my father-in-law is a man I have known, likes and prefers at home and in preschool, doing the electrical work himself, cleaning the water tank and air conditioning, placing ceramics, woodworking, among others.

As a good son-in-law, I offered and still offer to help him, from those moments of collaboration, thank God, it turned out that I learned to wash the air conditioners in my home and those that come out of my friends.

Learning to wash air conditioners was also a great money saving because the technicians charge for their work and the fact that personally one has the possibility of doing it is a great blessing, another point in favor of washing them yourself, is that due to the pandemic due to the covid-19 virus, we must take extreme measures of biosecurity in our home, avoiding letting a known or strange person enter, so as not to expose our family to contagions.

I will give you a brief explanation of how yesterday I washed the split air conditioner in the living room of my apartment:

Necessary materials:

A Spline Screwdriver


Soapy water bottle

Toothbrush (that you are no longer using)

Plenty of water, hose with nozzle or hydro jet.

The air conditioning was very dirty, one of the indications is that it stops cooling with the same intensity as when it is clean. Another indication is the sound, it sounds like the swaying of the waves of the sea, hahahaha. And finally, the drain pipe through which the water generated by the a / c is discharged, the amount of water is small, unlike when it is clean, which is abundant.

  • We passed the air conditioning breaker to cut off the equipment's electricity.

  • With a grooved screwdriver, remove all the screws on the cover of our console, leaving the a / c bare.

Remove the console cover

  • We take one or the amount of plastic bags that are necessary to proceed to cover perfectly, without leaving space for the area of ​​the card to be wet with water.

Cover the card area very well

  • We take a container with soapy water and a brush, to proceed to remove all the dirt that the hive has, be methodical and meticulous, if you decide to wash the air in your home, do it well, take enough time to remove all the dirt, then apply plenty of water until you notice that there is no more dirt in the water that falls to the floor.

Cleaning the hive

Then we go on to wash the turbine very well, it is located behind the hive, we can see it from below. We take the brush and the soapy water, we remove all the dirt that this part of the air has, we must observe very well, every detail.

Turbine wash

  • If the air conditioning is located in an area of ​​the house near the kitchen, surely this equipment will have grease and with it dust stuck, it is like a mastic, for this it is necessary to be very rigorous, to be able to remove grease and dirt . The more you work at this task, the more successful you will be.

  • Once we have applied plenty of water, and we observe that it no longer comes out dirty, it is because the cleaning was effective.

  • Now we let it rest and drain the water, we dry it with a cloth cloth, then we begin to remove the bags that cover the card, we place the cover of the a / c, with its respective screws, we adjust well.

Placed the lid, almost ready ... 👍

 And finally, once the equipment is cleaned, we place the filters (previously washed).

Placing clean filters

Now my family and I will enjoy our clean air conditioning, and how important it was for me, thank God 👏.

$ 5.88
$ 5.78 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @carolinacardoza
Avatar for rafaelperez
3 years ago


This is very useful information. But still I prefer to use professional services. Therefore, when I needed to clean the air duct, I decided to go to this air duct cleanin services and I was not mistaken. I got the 3 stage duct cleaning system and was really surprised how effective it is for living spaces. In the near future I plan to order carpet cleaning services in this service.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hola rafael, que bueno que ya el bot te comenzó a ver, te esta votando, no pierdas esa oportunidad, sigue escribiendo, recuerda colocar el post en una comunidad, te recomiendo #open for all o #ramdon.....también coloca etiquetas para que llegues a mas personas que hablan tus mismos temas. es mi humilde opinión.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hola buenos dias, @carolinacardoza muchas gracias por tu comentario, me gustaria hacerte una pregunta. Donde puedo colocar las etiquetas.

$ 0.00
3 years ago