Good Habits That Difficult Are ...

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2 years ago
Topics: Free write

Hello dear users of free write, receive a big hello to all, this week most of my publications have been HEALTHY mode, to lead a healthy life, here I present some recommendations that we put into practice, although at principle is difficult to fulfill, the positive rewards will be wonderful, both for our body, mind, soul and spirit. Take note...

• Have breakfast: you will not believe it, due to the fact of being tall and thick, most of the time I trust myself and say to myself "because of my fat I can stop having breakfast and last until noon" until a doctor told me, that what he was doing was a serious mistake, he tells me that one of the many benefits of having breakfast is that since it is the first meal of the day that the body receives, it will provide the calories it needs throughout the day, it is fuel that gives me energy. With this food the body receives the necessary nutrients to start the day. Nowadays it is extremely difficult to make a good and healthy breakfast, but the importance of it must be clear.

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• Stay in Motion: when we are in motion we activate blood circulation and secrete endorphins that give us a feeling of vitality and well-being. When we are young it is very easy to be active, but as the years go by, sedentary lifestyle embraces us, we must do everything possible to break those ties with it. I did not know that the lack of movement brings long-term consequences such as stiffness, ailments and even the atrophy of certain parts of our body, especially the bones and muscles. No matter how little exercise we do on a daily basis, it is an effective element for our health, we may not see it for the first few days, but as it passes, we will see improvements on a physical and psychological level.

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• Do Things You Like: I consider that doing things without leaving us any enjoyment is like sacrificing our illusions, life is only one, and the fairest thing is that we give ourselves that daily gift of doing things that we like, even if it is for about 10 minutes, once we go to sleep, and we stroll in all the activities we did, if we can include in our summary some activity that fills us and is totally enjoyable, it will give us the feeling of having enjoyed. This will serve as a renewing agent for the next day. In the image that I present below, they graphically indicate the many things you can do, check and you will see that you will get one or more:

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•Have a good rest: like point two (keep moving), when we are young, rest is not essential, but as the years go by, it seems that it is something automatic, we have a high preference to have a rest, notice Before, on a Friday night, to stay at home, unthinkable, but today it is not like that, my mind and body ask to stay at home resting, why is it? And if it is a good habit to keep our body, mind, spirit and soul healthy, then even better. Multiple investigations indicate that it is ideal to sleep between 7 or 8 hours a day, wake up in a good mood and with new and renewed energy, to start a new day.

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I leave you this reflection so that it can help you change some habits and thus be able to have a day full of energy and less feeling of fatigue, disappointment and stress, in these times where we think only about the pandemic or the country's economy, we must re-educate ourselves to try to live as little as we can, and this does not depend on another person, it depends on yourself, avoid surrounding ourselves with people with negative thoughts and conversations, temporarily disconnecting from social networks, because saturation of pessimistic information is harmful to the mental health and this in turn physical.

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Avatar for rafaelperez
2 years ago
Topics: Free write
