Father Vs Sport

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3 years ago

Good morning, friends of Read. Cash Sports, since last night I was thinking that I can write for today, I decided to share my testimony as a father, but seen from the perspective of FATHER SUPPORT OF SON IN SPORTS. My eldest son Rafael Eduardo, he was born in 2001, it was one of the happiest moments of my life, since I graduated as a father with a boy, today I know that a son is the most important thing regardless of sex, The most important thing is that God and the mother's care allow her to be born healthy.

But when you're young, you want your first offspring to be male, why I don't know, maybe it's machismo, but a healthy machismo, suddenly it's because of the interest to see my sports tastes reflected in it and to transmit my experiences as men. But fortunately today I know that the important thing is the happiness we feel when having a child, be it a girl or a girl, and trying to be the best father for them, even though it is not an easy task, everyone without exception is learning how to be one along the way. , Children are a gift from God and I particularly think that I must make an effort because it is a role that God assigned me, at the moment of leaving this earthly plane, it is to the Lord to whom I will give an account of how my dealings with them was, if or I didn't try my best, so here we go. Rafael Eduardo is currently 20 years old. Between 2004 and 2005 I started him to play baseball, as most parents want their son to play a sport, in particular it seemed appropriate that he started playing this beautiful sport that I love from a very young age. It was a pretty hard road, the practice was twice a week Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 4 pm, but religiously we did not miss any of them.

His first school was called SANTA FÉ, this team had their practices in Urb. Santa Fé, in the city of Carcas, we lived in Urb. Montecristo, there he was learning how to play baseball, this time the category was Semillita Because of his age, he was 3 to 4 years old, those games were so much fun for us fathers, that many cried with joy, others argued and mothers sang, my dear people, I was always with him on and off the field, I was polishing myself as a coach, that for me was being a child again, I had a lot of fun with my son, a lot of quality time with him, as time passed, he was acquiring knowledge as a player and I as a coach.

We stayed for 3 years, then we went to another school called PARQUE MIRANDA, he was already 8 years old, he played pre-infant, we stayed there until pre-junior, we dedicated 6 years to this beautiful school, we were champions in several tournaments, We represent the Baruta municipality and finally we represent our beautiful country Venezuela.

The boys played at the CARACAS UNIVERSITY STADIUM, where the GLORIOUS LIONS OF CARACAS play, the boys felt very happy, for the first time they stepped on a field of that magnitude, it was an unforgettable experience, Rafaelito had no words to express what he felt in That moment, both for him and for us, his family, we did not have a good participation there but for them it was the best. Now, not everything was perfect, I already had a problem at home with Rafael's mother, my daughter María Fernanda had already been born, how bad when divorces come and there are small children at home, I felt the worst I returned to My beginning I came to my Father's house again, but another day I tell them that story of love and pain Hahahahaha. Try to remain that exemplary father that Rafael saw in me, I already had a beautiful princess in my life who was only 3 years old, but I multiplied myself to take care of both of you. I was able to rebuild my life, I got married again, but I moved to the Anzoátegui state.

There my life got a bit complicated with my future professional baseball player, what every child dreams of when he plays ball of wanting to sign for a major league organization, it seemed further away, I in the East could not support him in that dream, due to circumstances of life my son comes to live with me for the Anzoátegui - Lechería state, there we return we resume our dreams, I dedicated myself as a sports agent, I registered an academy to support my son, after time he finished playing his ball and with it also his category, culminated junior and youth. We dedicated ourselves to working with him so that he could sign as a professional baseball player, I became known as a sports agent, I met several representatives of major league organizations, where my son checked in various events, where he was invited to Valencia with the Minnesota organization, of course the pressure was great for him he was close to achieving his dream and mine.

But things could not be as we hoped, after 15 days in that training camp he called me and told me that he wanted to return and that I go look for him, I think it was very painful for him and for me, not being able to achieve that I dream that every young man who plays baseball cannot do it. His mother and I arrived in Valencia, we asked him what happened? And with tears in his eyes, he told us that he could not be away from his family, then the firm would come and he had to leave Venezuela to go to the Dominican Republic to continue polishing himself. His mother hugged him, I felt two reasons for sadness, one for him for feeling this way and mine for not seeing him signed. Well my dear community this leaves us a lesson, we parents must always support our children, always united as far as they allow, from me he received the best of me, in terms of sports, since I was very young I always liked to play baseball, I think I reflected on my son to do what I could not do. He is 20 years old and almost makes his own decisions, whatever happens I love him and I will always be there for him.

All Photos are My Property

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Avatar for rafaelperez
3 years ago
