Words are Powerful

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Avatar for rafaelken1989
2 years ago
Topics: Daily, Verse, Devotional, Spiritual, Life, ...

My Jehovah Nissi! The LORD is my banner and my refuge! The source of my strength!

I love to share my everyday God-inspired words to enlighten our spirits! We cannot live on bread alone, we need His words to feed our spirits too!

Ephesians 4:26 (GNT)

“If you become angry, do not let your anger lead you into sin, and do not stay angry all day.”

Image courtesy of timesofindia.indiatimes.com

Sin thrives in an angry heart. Anger is not of God. Being angry is not a direct sin but it will lead you to sinning if we not control it.

As a follower of Christ, this will test us! If we do not listen to the HOLY Spirit’s warning and conviction, we will burst into anger through words!

Words are painful if spoken badly yet comforting if good.

Words are a double-edged sword and once we are angry, it can do harm to the people around us.

Worst, once Satan fully take holds of us through our anger, actions follow! We can harm physically afterwards. God forbid!

It’s okay to be angry but do not sin. Seek strength from the LORD Jesus for we are His already.

Listen to the HOLY Spirit’s conviction! Amen!

Listen from Desperation Band:

Pleasing to You

Have a peaceful Thursday!

May the LORD Almighty God bless you more in Jesus name! 

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Avatar for rafaelken1989
2 years ago
Topics: Daily, Verse, Devotional, Spiritual, Life, ...
